PART 1Introduction to operations management1.Operations-producing goods and providing services2.Competitive strategies and principles3.The quality imperativePART 2Design and control for customer satisfaction4.Designed-in quality : products , services , processes5.Quality control and process improvementPART 3Translating demand into orders6.Demand management and forecasting7.Master planning-for capacity and Output8.Flow-control systems overview System variability9.Order fulfillment and purchasing10.Timing : JIT/Kanban , MRP , and related topics11.Quick-change flexibility and lot sizingPART 4Translating planned orders into outcomes12.Process selection and layout13.Managing continuous and repetitive operations14.Managing job and batch operations15.Managing projectsPART 5OM Resources : Measurement , management , improvement16.Productivity and people17.Facilities management18.What's next-for you and for OM?Appendix 如何做到“名”、“利”双收?如何使“客户至上”的口号变为现实?阅读本书,会找到令您满意的答案。作者独辟蹊径,以人为本,对内提出树立“人人都是管理者”的概念,提高员工的工作积极性;对外以各种途径满足客户需要,保证企业、客户、员工三者关系的平衡、和谐,领会本书之理论,并加以融会贯通,定会获益匪浅。
PART 1Introduction to operations management1.Operations-producing goods and providing services2.Competitive strategies and principles3.The quality imperativePART 2Design and control for customer satisfaction4.Designed-in quality : products , services , processes5.Quality control and process improvementPART 3Translating demand into orders6.Demand management and forecasting7.Master planning-for capacity and Output8.Flow-control systems overview System variability9.Order fulfillment and purchasing10.Timing : JIT/Kanban , MRP , and related topics11.Quick-change flexibility and lot sizingPART 4Translating planned orders into outcomes12.Process selection and layout13.Managing continuous and repetitive operations14.Managing job and batch operations15.Managing projectsPART 5OM Resources : Measurement , management , improvement16.Productivity and people17.Facilities management18.What's next-for you and for OM?Appendix