目录 Preface 1 Introduction 1.1 Diophantine Equations 1.2 Modular Arithmetic 1.3 Primes and the Distribution of Primes 1.4 Cryptography 2 Divisibility 2.1 Divisibility 2.2 Euclids Theorem 2.3 Euclids Original Proof 2.4 The Sieve of Eratosthenes 2.5 The Division Algorithm 2.5.1 A Cryptographic Application 2.6 The Greatest Common Divisor 2.7 The Euclidean Algorithm 2.7.1 The Extended Euclidean Algorithm 2.8 Other Bases 2.9 Fermat and Mersenne Numbers 2.10 Chapter Highlights 2.11 Problems 2.11.1 Exercises 2.11.2 Projects 2.11.3 Computer Explorations 2.11.4 Answers to "Check Your Understanding" 3 Linear Diophantine Equations 3.1 ax + by=c 3.2 The Postage Stamp Problem 3.3 Chapter Highlights 3.4 Problems 3.4.1 Exercises 3.4.2 Answers to "Check Your Understanding" 4 Unique Factorization 4.1 The Starting Point 4.2 The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic 4.3 Euclid and the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic 4.4 Chapter Highlights 4.5 Problems 4.5.1 Exercises 4.5.2 Projects 4.5.3 Answers to "Check Your Understanding" 5 Applications of Unique Factorization 5.1 A Puzzle 5.2 Irrationality Proofs 5.2.1 Four More Proofs That √2 Is Irrational 5.3 The Rational Root Theorem 5.4 Pythagorean Triples 5.5 Differences of Squares 5.6 Prime Factorization of Factorials 5.7 The Riemann Zeta Function 5.7.1 ∑1/p Diverges