来自俄罗斯伊尔库茨克市的自由插画师Liuba Vladimirova,热爱中国文化,热爱北京,迄今在北京生活已超过10年。她十分钟情胡同里的老北京风情,也喜欢感受发展中的北京日新月异的一面,并把它们和谐而有创意地融入她的作品,形成了自己的独特风格,拥有自己的艺术品牌“Liuba Draws”。在本画册中,Liuba以北京为主题,用水彩勾勒出都市天际下的日常烟火,将自己的对这座城市的好奇和爱融入每一幅画作,为读者呈现出一个多彩、温暖、充满活力的北京城;创作中她不时将自已(还有她最心爱的龙猫Totoro)巧妙地融入插画,不经意间引领读者沉浸于她的艺术世界。不同于普通的北京旅游指南,《Liuba画北京》是作者对北京极具个性的文化体验和观察,读者从中可以发现许多被传统旅游指南遗漏的“珍宝”;脑洞大开的创意、充满细节和幽默的表达,更让一些原本司空见惯的场景变成了别具一格的风景,而有的画面已定格为永久的记忆。一本用心制作、足够“独一无二”的关于北京的精装纪念画册,英文版,180页,附赠A2大小北京胡同插画一幅,相信会带给读者难得的温馨快乐的阅读体验,适合所有感兴趣的中外读者赏读。\"Liuba Draws Beijing\" reveals glimpses of Beijing you don\'t see described in the classic travel guides. This illustrated memoir from Liuba, a foreign illustrator, is a collection of informative and humorous anecdotes representing the artist\'s personal perspective on life in China\'s capital.Experience the Asian metropolis through full-page watercolor paintings with delightful scenes of the old maze-like streets contrasting with the modern city skyline, early bird street food vendors servicing commuters, a winter snowfall panorama of the Forbidden City and the Great Wall under the star filled skies. Witty comments and detailed watercolor illustrated stories take the reader on a journey with the author.
来自俄罗斯伊尔库茨克市的自由插画师Liuba Vladimirova,热爱中国文化,热爱北京,迄今在北京生活已超过10年。她十分钟情胡同里的老北京风情,也喜欢感受发展中的北京日新月异的一面,并把它们和谐而有创意地融入她的作品,形成了自己的独特风格,拥有自己的艺术品牌“Liuba Draws”。Liuba Vladimirova is a freelance illustrator from Irkutsk, Russia. She loves Chinese culture and the city of Beijing. Liuba has been living in Beijing for more than 10 years. She is particularly fond of the old Beijing style in the hutongs, but at the same time, also loves to experience the ever changing modern side of Beijing and integrates these harmoniously and creatively into her works to form a unique style with her art brand \"Liuba Draws.\"