三人线上 On the 38th Parallel 主演:王伯玲 张 良 邢吉田 杨振淮 道洛霍夫 裴友犹 王运庭 Leading Personators.Wang Boling Zhang Liang Xing litian Yang Zhenhuai Dolokhow Pei Youyou Wang Yunting 描写朝鲜停战后,三八线上朝中军民破获敌特,粉碎美帝侵略阴谋,保卫和平的复杂斗争 It's a story about the complicated struggle of searching out the seeret agent of the enemies and crushing up America's plot of aggression by the armies and people of North Korea and China on the 38th Parallel after the ceasefire in North Korea 编剧:马吉星(改编) 导演 史文帜摄影曹进云 最音:吴汉标 美工:方绪智寇洪烈 作曲:王震亚 Screemwriter:Ma lixing (Adapt)Director Shi WenzhiPhotographer Cao linyun Sound Engineer Wu HanbiaoArt Directors Fang Xuzhi Kou HonglieCamposer Wang thenys