It's a story about coming-of-age and sexual awakening in themean streets of 1910s Chicago. It's the beginning of a trilogy thatwill follow Studs Lonigan throughout adolescence. And, claimsArthur Schlesinger, Jr, it reveals "his vision of the truth-thetruth about people, the truth about writing, the truth aboutAmerica."
James T. Farrell (1904-1979), a native of Chicago, was aprolific novelist and prominent social activist. He is best knownfor his gritty novels depicting lower middle-class Irish Catholiclife, including his masterpiece, The Studs Lonigantrilogy.
Ann Douglas teaches English at Columbia University. Her booksinclude Terrible Honesty: Mongrel Manhattan in the 1920s andThe Feminization of American Culture. --This text refersto the Paperbackedition.