Life for the young orphan Terence has been peaceful,living with Trevecent the old Hermit in a quiet,isolated wood.That is,until the day a strange green sprite leads him to Gawain,King Arthur's nephew,who is on his way to Camelot hoping to be knighted.Trevecent can see the future and knows that Terence must leave to serve as Gawain's squire.From that moment on,Terence's life is filled with heartstopping adventure as he helps damsels-in-distress,fights battles with devious men,and protects King Arthur from his many enemies.Along the way,Terence is amazed at his skills and newfound magical abilities.Were these a gift from his unknown parents? As Gawain continues his quest for knighthood,Terence searches for answers to the riddles in his own past.