《夏夜的梦》收录了冰波的童话作品。其中《蓝鲸的眼睛》 获陈伯吹儿童文学奖;《毒蜘蛛之死》 获全国第二届优秀儿童文学奖;《蛤蟆的明信片》 获冰心儿童文学新作奖。 《夏夜的梦》中,重获自由的吉铃为小女孩送上了一场动人的夏夜演奏会。《神秘的眼睛》中,男孩在风筝上画了眼睛,想让风筝代自己看看山另一头的风景。他的愿望能够实现吗?《如血的红斑》中,一只海鸥母亲因为人类失去了嘴上的红斑,而那正是她和孩子生命的维系。《绿色的帆船》中,走失的小绿鸟被灰狼父子捡到了,小绿鸟还能和妈妈团聚吗? 《蛤蟆的明信片》中, 蛤蟆老哥为青蛙老弟写的祝愿能传递到青蛙那里吗?《毒蜘蛛之死》中,守护秘密的毒蜘蛛,愿意为了这个秘密从容赴死,她的秘密是什么呢?《蓝鲸的眼睛》中,女孩得到了传说中可以让人复明的蓝鲸的眼睛,愤怒的蓝鲸展开了报复,人类该如何面对呢? 《月光下的肚肚狼》乞丐肚肚狼在月光下会变身成会唱歌的王子,他的歌声有着神奇的魔力,可以治愈病人? This book is a collection of Bingbo's fairytales. Among them The Blue Whale’s Eye has won the Chen Bochui Prize for Children’s Literature.Dream of a Summer Night: It tells the story of Jiling. He plays a concert for the girl who saved him. Mysterious Eyes: A boy wants to know the scenery of other side of the mountain, so he paints a pair of eyes on the kite, hoping it can help him see the scenery, can his hope be realized? Patch as Red as Blood : The patch on the seagull is the link of mother and child, when the mother lost her patch, what was their destiny? Green Sailing Boat: The lost little bird was found by wolves, can she unite with her mother again? Postcard from Mr. Toad: Can the best wishes of toad reach to his brother frog? The Death of the Poisonous Spider: the poisonous spider is protecting a secret and is willing to die for it. What's the secret? The Blue Whale’s Eye: It's said the eyes of blue whale can heal the people's eyes, but when the angry blue whale takes revenge, what can people do? Dudu Wolf in the Moonlight: The beggar wolf can turn into a singing prince when the moon is round.His music can heal people with magical power.
Bingbo, Vice Chairman of the Hangzhou China Writers Association. His works include The Eye of the Bluewhale, The Death of the Poisonous Spider, Fairy Tales of Bingbo, Giraffe Lala, Red Dragonfly, The Complete Biography of Cat Aben, etc. His awards include the Prize of the China Writers Association for Excellent Children’s Literature, the Soong Ching-Ling Prize for Children’s Literature, the “Five-One” Project Award, the Nomination Award of the National Book Prize and the Bing Xin Prize for Children’s Literature.