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本套"HSK词汇突破系列"自2011年陆续出版后深受广大HSK考生和教师的欢迎,销量居HSK辅导图书前列,各分册均多次重印。2015年,孔子学院总部/国家汉办对2009版HSK大纲进行了修订,对词汇大纲也进行了调整。为顺应新大纲的要求,同时结合广大读者对第1版提出的宝贵意见和建议,我们修订编写了这套"HSK词汇突破系列"第2版。 《HSK词汇突破?5级》(第2版)由HSK 5级词汇组成,词汇按音序排列,以方便考生查找。本书根据2015版HSK词汇大纲,在第1版的基础上进行了相应的增补和删改,共计新增词条43个,删除词条30个,与其他等级之间互调词条253个,并对部分词条的词性、拼音、搭配、例句等进行了内部修订。此外,本书将新版词汇大纲中的"附表1:重组默认词"在相应词条下作为"扩展词"呈现,将"附表3:特例词"中的专有名词融入例句中呈现,并将新版词汇大纲中的3个附表完整呈现在本书的附录部分,为学习者进行补充、扩展学习提供了方便。 "外研社?HSK课堂系列"是一套训练学生听、说、读、写各方面技能的综合性考试教材,包括"21天征服HSK教程""HSK专项突破""HSK词汇(含词汇突破、词汇宝典)""HSK通关:攻略?模拟?解析"以及"HSK全真模拟试题集"五个子系列。"HSK词汇突破"是一套词汇手册,共含四本:《HSK词汇突破?1—3级》《HSK词汇突破?4级》《HSK词汇突破?5级》以及《HSK词汇突破?6级》。本套手册由具备丰富HSK教学经验的教师编写,内容涵盖了HSK大纲中的1—6级词汇。 《HSK词汇突破?5级》在内容和编排上充分考虑到学习者的需求。在内容方面,严格按照新版HSK 5级大纲收录词汇,以满足HSK 5级考试的备考需要。在体例设计上,为生词加注了汉语拼音、英文翻译、常用词语搭配及例句,部分生词还列出了其扩展词(重组默认词)、同义词或反义词。其中,常用词语搭配源于HSK真题中常出现的考点,便于考生提前熟悉考试;例句尽量不出现超纲词,所出现的少量超纲词均为常用词,且配有拼音和英文翻译,所以不会增加考生的学*担,考生还可以此扩大自己的词汇量。 本手册采用口袋书的形式,便于携带,可方便考生随时随地记词汇。 作为便携式小词典,本套手册不仅适合参加HSK的考生做考前强化训练,也适合其他汉语学习者随时查阅,可帮助汉语学习者迅速掌握日常生活中经常遇到的汉语词汇。 在编写过程中,研究生褚秀丽、谈琛、覃春红、宾蓉、张妮、周冠男收集了大量资料,做了很多工作,在此表示诚挚的谢意! 欢迎广大读者使用本书并批评指正,以便我们及时修订。
《HSK词汇突破 5级》(第2版)根据2015新版HSK词汇大纲进行了相应的增补、删减等修订,并增加了扩展词、附录等版块,全面反映新大纲的词汇要求。此手册包括词汇、拼音、词性、英语注释、搭配、例句、扩展词、附录等部分。小巧精致,内容丰富,可以作为HSK的备考口袋书,也可以作为课后复习和自学使用。
The HSK Vocabulary Handbook Series can help readers prepare for HSK exams or study Chinese on their own. It covers all the vocabulary of the newly-released HSK Test Syllabus developed in 2015 and the vocabulary is organized in different levels and arranged in alphabetical order. Notes to each word include pinyin, parts of speech, English translations, collocations and example sentences. For some of the vocabulary, expansion words, synonyms or antonyms are also listed in the notes, so that readers can understand the meanings clearly and memorize the word effectively. Collocations and example sentences are compiled according to the past HSK tests, so that the readers can be familiar with the exam and improve their vocabulary proficiency at the same time. Moreover, this book provides useful daily expressions for readers to expand their vocabulary and improve their Chinese proficiency. In addition, the HSK Vocabulary Handbook Series are pocket-sized so that readers can carry them around and use them anytime.
《HSK词汇突破 5级》(第2版)根据2015新版HSK词汇大纲进行了相应的增补、删减等修订,并增加了扩展词、附录等版块,全面反映新大纲的词汇要求。此手册包括词汇、拼音、词性、英语注释、搭配、例句、扩展词、附录等部分。小巧精致,内容丰富,可以作为HSK的备考口袋书,也可以作为课后复习和自学使用。
The HSK Vocabulary Handbook Series can help readers prepare for HSK exams or study Chinese on their own. It covers all the vocabulary of the newly-released HSK Test Syllabus developed in 2015 and the vocabulary is organized in different levels and arranged in alphabetical order. Notes to each word include pinyin, parts of speech, English translations, collocations and example sentences. For some of the vocabulary, expansion words, synonyms or antonyms are also listed in the notes, so that readers can understand the meanings clearly and memorize the word effectively. Collocations and example sentences are compiled according to the past HSK tests, so that the readers can be familiar with the exam and improve their vocabulary proficiency at the same time. Moreover, this book provides useful daily expressions for readers to expand their vocabulary and improve their Chinese proficiency. In addition, the HSK Vocabulary Handbook Series are pocket-sized so that readers can carry them around and use them anytime.
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