Unit 4 Text: Conversations Often Taking Place in a Pharmacy Supplementary Reading: Making an Appointment with a Doctor
Unit 5 Text: BP 2007 Cefalexin Monohydrate (Ph Eur monograph 0708) Supplementary Reading: BP 2007 Amantadine Hydrochloride (Ph Eur monograph 0463)
Unit 6 Text: USP 30 Acyclovir Supplementary Reading: Folic Acid
Unit 7 Text:ABriefIntroduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine Supplementary Reading:Acupuncture
Unit 8 Text:Importance of lnfluenza Vaccination for Health Care Personnel Supplementary Reading:Types ofVaccines
Unit 9 Text:Organization and Personnel in USA GMP Supplementary Reading:Subpart G—Packaging and Labeling Control
Unit 10 Text:Farm-to-Table Initiatives for Safer Domestic,Imported Food Supplementary Reading:Sampling Produce for Pathogens:Import Survey Completed.Domestic Begun