“对于黑泽明电影的爱好者来说……这简直是必读的书……这是他许多充满活力、引人入胜的银幕娱乐节目的最佳搭档。”——《Washington Post Book World》
"A first rate book and a joy to read.... It's doubtful that a complete understanding of the director's artistry can be obtained without reading this book.... Also indispensable for budding directors are the addenda, in which Kurosawa lays out his beliefs on the primacy of a good script, on scriptwriting as an essential tool for directors, on directing actors, on camera placement, and on the value of steeping oneself in literature, from great novels to detective fiction."
"For the lover of Kurosawa's movies...this is nothing short of must reading...a fitting companion piece to his many dynamic and absorbing screen entertainments."
Akira Kurosawa was born in 1910, to an old samurai family. He received many awards for his work including the 1980 Grand Prize at Cannes for Kagemusha. Kurosawa died in 1998.