"Perhaps the best book by the foremost stylist of his generation" (New York Times)
《弗兰妮与祖伊》是J. D. 塞林格的和解之作:与世界为敌,不如用上帝的智慧好好生活。这是塞林格继《麦田里的守望者》《九故事》之后出版的第三部作品,由《弗兰妮》与《祖伊》这两个相互有关联的中短篇小说组成。不同于《麦田里的守望者》里那种青春的迷惘,《弗兰妮与祖伊》转向了更为深刻的关于信仰的探讨。主人公弗兰妮和祖伊同为塞林格构筑的格拉斯家族成员。弗兰妮因为内心混乱的精神信念导致精神奔溃瘫倒在家中。哥哥祖伊苦口婆心地加以规劝与指引,终于在对宗教和信仰的阐释中得以超脱,终达内心的平和。小说在对话中展开,百转千回中推向高潮,一气呵成,酣畅淋漓。
"Everything everybody does is so--I don't know--not wrong, or even mean, or even stupid necessarily. But just so tiny and meaningless and--sad-making. And the worst part is, if you go bohemian or something crazy like that, you're conforming just as much only in a different way."
A novel in two halves, Franny and Zooey brilliantly captures the emotional strains and traumas of entering adulthood. It is a gleaming example of the wit, precision, and poignancy that have made J. D. Salinger one of America's most beloved writers.