FALLING: the blockbuster thriller and most explosive global bestseller of 2021 in hardback, now in paperback.
You just boarded a flight to New York.
There are one hundred and forty-three other passengers onboard.
What you don't know is that thirty minutes before the flight your pilot's family was kidnapped.
For his family to live, everyone on your plane must die.
The only way the family will survive is if the pilot follows his orders and crashes the plane.
Enjoy the flight.
T. J.纽曼,曾是一名书商,后来成为空姐,从2011年到2021年为维珍美国和阿拉斯加航空公司工作。她在跨国红眼航班上趁乘客睡着时写了《坠落》的大部分内容。她住在亚利桑那州的凤凰城。《坠落》是她的首部小说。
T. J. Newman, a former bookseller turned flight attendant, worked for Virgin America and Alaska Airlines from 2011 to 2021. She wrote much of Falling on cross-country red-eye flights while her passengers were asleep. She lives in Phoenix, Arizona. Falling is her first novel.