A stunning bespoke gift package featuring an iconic design from the prize-winning artist, Noma Bar, eye-catching sprayed edges and ribbon. The perfect present for those who like their beauty with a bit of bite.
The Republic of Gilead offers Offred only one function: to breed. If she deviates, she will, like dissenters, be hanged at the wall or sent out to die slowly of radiation sickness. But even a repressive state cannot obliterate desire - neither Offred's nor that of the two men on which her future hangs.
Brilliantly conceived and executed, this powerful evocation of twenty-first century America gives full rein to Margaret Atwood's devastating irony, wit and astute perception.
"Compulsively readable" (Daily Telegraph)
"Out of a narrative shadowed by terror, gleam sharp perceptions, brilliant intense images and sardonic wit" (Peter Kemp Independent)
"The Handmaid's Tale is both a superlative exercise in science fiction and a profoundly felt moral story" (Angela Carter)
"Moving, vivid and terrifying. I only hope it's not prophetic" (Conor Cruise O'Brien The Listener)
"The images of brilliant emptiness are one of the most striking aspects of this novel about totalitarian blindness...the effect is chilling" (Linda Taylor Sunday Times)
一九三九年出生于渥太华,加拿大zui杰出的小说家、诗人,同时也写短篇故事、评论、剧本以及创作儿童文学。她已发表四十多部作品,翻译超过三十五种语言,其中小说《盲眼刺客》获颁二○○○年布克奖,《双面葛蕾斯》获颁加拿大季勒文学奖,并获义大利负盛名的蒙德罗文学奖(Premio Mondello)。二○○五年,她获颁爱丁堡图书节启蒙奖,得奖理由是对世界文学与思想的杰出贡献。二○○八年,获颁西班牙艾斯杜里亚斯亲王文学奖(Prince of Asturias Prize for Literature)。她也是活跃的社会运动人士,长期关注环境和生态保育、创作言论自由受政治迫害等社会议题,也曾和全球五百位作家连署,抵制国家对网路使用的过当管制。