GARY W. ELDRED博士从事房地产投资和行业顾问工作超过20年。此外,他还在斯坦福大学、弗吉尼亚大学和伊利诺伊大学等知名大学教授金融和房地产领域的MBA课程。Eldred教授之前已经撰写了数十篇学术和专业期刊文章和十本书,包括《Yes!你可以拥有你想要的房子,购房者犯的106个常见错误(以及如何避免),第二版,和投资房地产,第三版(与安德鲁·麦克林),都由威利出版。
内容简介 Secure a Prosperous Future by Applying the Tried-and-True Techniques of Value Investing to Income Properties
Value Investing in Real Estate outlines a safe and rewarding way to plan for your retirement and increase your income without the risks so common to the stock market. You'll learn how to buy real estate properties using Ben Graham's time-tested methods for evaluating investments. It's a proven way to build assets and income-a big payoff for relatively little time and effort.
This book proves the advantages of value investing in real estate as compared to stocks in terms of stability, yield, growth, and equity appreciation. Value Investing in Real Estate also guides readers through important topics such as identifying geographical areas of growth, population patterns, land use, market indicators, condos, townhouses, fixer-uppers, and conversions. It covers what you need to know about both value investing and the real estate market-and how to combine the two for high returns-all backed with examples that illustrate each concept and technique.
For the great majority of enterprising investors, value investing in real estate will prove superior to the stock market. Most importantly, you will gain far more income than the paltry dividends accruing from most stock portfolios. With this intelligent, highly readable book, you will see how the techniques of value investing in real estate can help you build the wealth and income you will need in the future.
内容推荐 Income properties, if selected wisely, build your wealth and grow your cash flows continuously-exactly what you need for retirement and other major financial goals. Even better, income properties secure these benefits with less risk and higher returns than stocks. As always, of course, a lucky few will profit greatly from the stock market, but the majority of Americans cannot reasonably expect to do likewise. Contrary to what you've heard, everybody can't get rich in stocks. Now, Value Investing in Real Estate shows you a safer and more rewarding investment alternative. By applying the investment principles of superstars Ben Graham and Warren Buffett to real estate, you will be able to outperform stocks while still getting a good night's sleep. No more worrying about another stock market collapse, puny dividend yields, or outliving your resources. Over time, the principles of value investing have proven superior to all other investment styles. And over time, real estate has proven itself to be the most reliable source of income and wealth building. By combining this winning investment style with the most reliable asset category, Value Investing in Real Estate will guide you to your investment goals.
Inside, experienced investor Gary Eldred illustrates:
The technique and criteria of value investing The benefits of real estate over stocks for retirement The risks and returns of income properties The ins and outs of market value How to find high-yielding properties How to look beyond market value How to spot areas poised for appreciation How to create value immediately Today, just as when Ben Graham originally crafted his investment principles, speculation-masquerading as investment-is leading investors into peril. So now's your chance to step out of harm's way. Because Value Investing in Real Estate will not only show you how to build a high net worth, it will ensure your prosperity through good times and downturns alike.