P.D. 詹姆斯出生于英国伦敦牛津,尽管只有高中毕业,但詹姆斯凭借其勤奋自修的学识,与文笔脱俗的创作,得到文学圈极高的赞誉。她三十八岁开始发表作品,四十二岁时完成长篇推理《掩上她的脸》(Cover Her Face,1962),赢得文坛一片赞赏。她的作品《夜莺的尸衣》和《教堂谋杀案》均获得CWA和MWA最佳小说奖。 由于写作有成,她获得许多国际知名文学奖,
Innocent Blood is a stand-alone thriller and chilling mystery from P.D. James, the bestselling author of Death Comes to Pemberley and Children of Men.
A stand-alone thriller from P. D. James.
Philippa Palfrey, adopted as a child, believes herself to be the motherless, illegitimate daughter of an aristocratic father. At eighteen she exercises her right to find out the truth. What she discovers will change her life forever. Philippa enters a new and terrifying world and soon comes to realize that she is not the only one interested in her parents' whereabouts.
Innocent Blood is both a mystery and a thriller, a superb novel that explores the themes of self-identity and the meaning of life.