关于作者 Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. 于 1922 年出生于印第安纳波利斯,在康奈尔大学学习生物化学。在第二次世界大战期间,他在欧洲服役,并作为战俘在德国目睹了德累斯顿被盟军轰炸机摧毁,这一经历激发了经典战争小说《五号屠宰场》的灵感。他是其他十三部小说的作者,其中包括猫的摇篮、监狱鸟、死眼迪克、加拉帕戈斯和蓝胡子、两本故事集和三本非小说类书籍。他于 2007 年去世。
A diabolical government asserts control by eliminating orgasms from sex in the title story of Welcome to the Monkey House – setting the tone for a collection shot through with Vonnegut's acrid wit, and his bewilderment at the corruption of humanity.
From riffs on country music, George Bush, and his mother’s midnight mania, to a bittersweet tribute to a dead friend, Palm Sunday demonstrates why Kurt Vonnegut is equally well known as an essayist and commentator as he is a novelist.
This caustic, funny and poignant collection resonates with Vonnegut’s singular voice.
"Vonnegut's sharp wit and intellect are tempered but not blunted by his honesty and humanity" (Independent)
"These taut, concise stories show us the roots of a great Rube Goldberg literary career" (Los Angeles Times)
"Wonderfully wicked" (Washington Post)
"Twisted, funny, sci-fi and high-concept. It’s a great, great book" (Rebecca Romijin-Stamos Independent)
"A brilliant wacky ideas-monger" (Observer)
An anthology of writings by Kurt Vonnegut. "Welcome to the Monkeyhouse" brings together some of his shorter essays and stories, and "Palm Sunday" consists of speeches, letters, fiction, articles and autobiography.