睿的彩纸艺术把生活的感悟通过形语言流露于笔端,将设计中的形美感与理缜密的逻辑思维结合,是感与理的交融,传统与时尚的碰撞,流行与个的并存,以跨界的勇气传递了一个年轻设计师的内心表达,在体验艺术创作记录中赋予了人们对未来生活的思。——清华大学美术学院教授、纺织品设计专家? 张宝华through hi word and paper art pletedby dancing pen and bruh hengrui expreed hi thought and realization.hengrui’ deign repreent hi attempt in dealing with the colliion ofemotion and ration tradition and fahion popularity and peronality. it inot only a way to record hi way of experiencing art creation but alo to makeu think about our live of the art in future.zhang baohua profeor of academy of art deign tinghua univerity; famou textile artitic deigner?彩纸的形与在生活中传递着人的情感,是一种。彩纸的创作更需要设计者对生活的洞察与感悟。胥恒睿的彩纸作品由心而生,把对生活的理解和设计美感融为一体,在表达设计理念和图案魅力的同时,也把生活的品质与品味浸入了生活方式之中。——江南大学美术学院教授? 张毅the pattern and color in the paper conveypeople’ emotion. it i a cultural expreion. the creation of paper withpattern require the deigner to perceive and think of life. xu hengrui’ paperdeign wa born within hi heart. he bined hi undertan of life andaethetical ene to expre hi deign idea and the power of pattern. alohe blended hi tate of life and quality of life into hi life tyle of art.zhang yi profeor of academy of art deign jiangnan univerity