¥ 8.94 2.3折 ¥ 39.5 八品
作者阿曼达·克兰德尔·朱(Amanda Crandell Ju) 著
这本书是商务英语专职作家阿曼达?克兰德尔?朱(Amanda Crandell Ju)的最新力作,全书编选的范文贴近实际的商务环境,所列的邮件和报告能让你立马套用,即刻上手。
Part 1 商务写作实用短句 General Expressions / 001
Unit 1 邮件标题范例 Subject Lines / 002
Unit 2 邮件常用语 Useful Phrases / 004
Unit 3 功能表达句 Functional Expressions / 006
1. 表达意愿 Willingness / 006
2. 说明计划和决定 Plan and Decision / 006
3. 表达观点 Opinion / 007
4. 做出保证 Assurance / 008
5. 赞同和不赞同 Agreement and Disagreement / 008
6. 建议和劝告 Suggestion and Advice / 010
7. 征求许可 Permission / 011
8. 提出请求 Request / 011
9. 表达喜欢和兴趣 Preference and Interest / 011
10. 表示惊讶 Surprise / 012
11. 表达必要性 Obligation / 012
12. 表达可能性 Possibility / 013
13. 强调重要性 Importance / 013
14. 做比较 Comparison / 013
15. 比较数据 Data / 014
16. 说明时间 Time / 015
17. 说明距离 Distance / 016
18. 说明数量 Quantity / 016
19. 说明数字 Number / 017
20. 说明金钱 Money / 018
21. 说明质地 Texture / 019
Part 2 社交往来邮件 Everyday E-mails / 021
Unit 1 问候 Greetings / 022
1. 询问近况 Catching up / 022
2. 告知消息 Announcing News / 025
3. 邀约娱乐活动 Inviting for Relaxation Activities / 028
4. 和老友叙旧 Connecting with Old Friends / 031
5. 赞扬和夸奖 Praise and Appreciation / 034
6. 分享旅行见闻 Travelogues / 037
Unit 2 祝福和安慰 Blessings and Condolences / 040
7. 节日祝福 Holiday Greetings / 040
8. 生日和假日祝福 Birthday and Special Occasions / 043
9. 祝贺家有喜事 Congratulations on Family Achievements / 046
10. 祝贺晋升和考试 Congratulations on Promotions and Exams / 049
11. 祝贺获奖 Congratulations on Winning Awards / 052
12. 病中的安慰 Condolences for Illness / 055
13. 逆境中的安慰 Condolences for Adversity / 058
14. 灾后的慰问 Condolences for Disasters / 061
Unit 3 感谢和道歉 Gratitude and Apology / 064
15. 感谢帮忙 Gratitude for Favors / 064
16. 感谢礼物 Gratitude for Gifts / 067
17. 感谢服务 Gratitude for Services / 070
18. 访问后的感谢 Gratitude for a Visit / 073
19. 会议后的感谢 Gratitude for a Meeting / 076
20. 一般的道歉 General Apology / 079
21. 正式的道歉 Formal Apology / 082
Unit 4 请求和帮助 Requests and Help / 085
22. 寻求帮助 Asking for Help / 085
23. 回复帮助请求 Responding to Requests for Help / 088
24. 请求缓期付款 Request Suspended Payment / 091
25. 请求授权 Request Authorization / 094
26. 借钱或借物 Lend or Borrow Materials / 097
Unit 5 建议 Recommendations / 100
27. 寻求建议 Asking for Advice / 100
28. 私人问题建议 Giving Advice in Personal Issues / 103
29. 工作中的建议 Giving Advice in Professional Situations / 106
30. 回应建议 Responding to Suggestions / 109
31. 警告 Giving Warnings / 112
Part 3 人力资源写作 Human Resources Writing / 115
Unit 6 求职 Job Search / 116
32. 求职信 Cover Letter / 116
33. 推荐信 Letter of Recommendation / 119
34. 申请新职位 Applying for a New Job / 122
Unit7 招聘 Recruitment / 125
35. 招聘广告 Want Ads / 125
36. 录用通知 Job Offer / 128
37. 人事变动通知 Notification of Personnel Changes / 131
Part 4 公司运营写作 Company Operation Writing / 135
Unit 8 通知和通告 Announcements and Notifications / 136
38. 会议通知 Notifications of Meetings / 136
39. 欢迎新员工 Welcome New Employees / 139
40. 业务管理通知 Management Announcements / 142
41. 行政管理通知 Administrative Announcements / 145
42. 嘉奖和警告通知 Award and Warning Announcements / 148
43. 假日及活动通知 Holiday and Special Event Notification / 151
44. 开业和并购通告 Merger and New Business Notification / 154
45. 名称及人事变更通告 Notification for Name and Personnel Changes / 157
Unit 9 邀请函 Invitations / 160
46. 宴会邀请 Party Invitations / 160
47. 会议邀请 Meeting Invitations / 163
48. 访问邀请 Invitation to Make a Visit / 166
49. 庆典邀请 Invitation to Attend a Celebration / 169
50. 投标邀请 Invitation to Submit a Bid / 172
51. 接受或婉拒邀请 Accepting or Declining Invitations / 175
Unit 10 安排活动 Making Arrangements / 178
52. 安排约见 Making Appointments / 178
53. 安排活动行程 Making an Itinerary for Activities / 181
54. 安排住宿交通 Arranging Accommodations and Transportation / 184
Unit 11 申请报告 Applications / 187
55. 请假 Applying for Leave / 187
56. 申请购买物品 Applying to Purchase Supplies / 190
57. 申请培训机会 Applying for Training Opportunities / 193
58. 申请赞助 Applying for Sponsorship / 196
59. 申请贷款 Applying for a Loan / 199
60. 申请信用账户 Applying for a Credit Account / 202
61. 申请银行服务 Applying for Bank Services / 205
Unit 12 研发和生产 R&D and Production / 208
62. 项目计划书 Project Proposals / 208
63. 布置工作 Layout Work / 211
64. 汇报进度 Progress Report / 214
65. 提交新方案 Submitting a New Proposal / 217
66. 请求延期 Requesting an Extension / 220
67. 降低成本 Cost Reduction / 223
Unit 13 营销和推广 Marketing and Promotion / 226
68. 销售报告 Sales Reports / 226
69. 营销计划 Marketing Plans / 229
70. 公关活动公告 PR Campaigns / 232
71. 答复客户询问 Responding to Inquiries / 235
72. 客户通知 Reporting to Customers / 238
73. 跟进客户函 Follow up / 241
74. 客户调查函 Customer Surveys / 244
Unit 14 介绍公司和产品 Company and Product Introduction / 247
75. 介绍公司概况(网络服务商) Company Profile (Internet Service Provider) / 247
76. 介绍主营业务(工业品制造商) Service Profile (Industrial Manufacturer) / 250
77. 介绍主营业务(消费品制造商) Service Profile(Consumer Goods) / 253
78. 介绍主营业务(经销商) Service Profile (Distributors) / 256
79. 介绍主营业务(服务业)Service Profile (Service Industry) / 259
Part 5 外贸实务写作 Foreign Trade Writing / 263
Unit 15 往来订单 Completing Orders / 264
80. 联系供货商 Finding Suppliers / 264
81. 联系生产厂家 Contacting the Manufacturer / 267
82. 争取代理权 Agent Relations / 270
83. 询价和报价 Inquiry and Quotations / 273
84. 讨价还价 Negotiation over Price / 276
85. 确认条款 Confirming Terms / 279
86. 签订合同 Making Contracts / 282
87. 下订单 Receiving Orders / 285
88. 修改或取消订单 Modifying or Canceling Orders / 288
89. 无法完成订单 Inability to Complete Order / 291
90. 发货和收货通知 Shipping and Receiving Notification / 294
Unit 16 付款 Payment / 297
91. 通知付款 Notification of Payment / 297
92. 确认到款 Confirm Receipt of Payment / 300
93. 催款 Payment Reminder / 303
94. 请求延期付款 Request Payment Deferral / 306
95. 答复延期付款请求 Responding to Payment Deferral Requests / 309
Unit 17 投诉及道歉 Complaints and Apologies / 312
96. 产品不合要求 Defective or Incorrect Product / 312
97. 交货期延误 Delivery Delay / 315
98. 服务态度差 Poor Customer Service / 318
99. 票据或金额有误 Mistake in Invoice or Account Charges / 321
100. 索赔 Making Claims / 324
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