project 1 having a job interview task 1 receiving a visitor at the reception task 2 having a job interview project 2 meeting new faces task 1 meeting new colleagues task 2 describing job duties project 3 arranging a meeting task 1 nning a meeting task 2 arranging the meeting project 4 making a marketing n task 1 chairing a meeting task 2 making a marketing n project 5 atten a trade fair task 1 receiving clients at a trade fair task 2 promoting products project 6 following up business task 1 getting feedback from potential customers task 2 inviting customers to visit the nt project 7 making an appointment task 1 changing the schedule task 2 settling a new schedule project 8 arranging a business tour task 1 arranging business activities task 2 arranging recreation activities project 9 making a reservation task 1 making a flight reservation task 2 making a room reservation project 10 receiving guests task 1 receiving guests at the airport task 2 checking in at the hotel project 11 presenting a product task 1 showing around the nt task 2 presenting products project 12 negotiating business task 1 negotiating the price and payment task 2 negotiating the shipping and packing project 13 having a business dinner task 1 business dinner invitation task 2 making a toast at business banquet project 14 entertaining clients task 1 soizing at business dinner task 2 remen activities project 15 solving a problem task 1 handling ints task 2 sorting out problems 参文献