This book explores the infuence mechanisms of child well-being under different theoretical paradigms. While discussing relevant cutting-edge theoris talsotries to provide theoretical guidance and practical implications for Chinas child protection policies addledesocial work practices.
任强,qiang ren phdi an aociate profeor in the department of ociology zhejiang univerity. he i alo the executive direetor of mw education center of zhcjiang univerity hi recarch focueon political ociology o work o policy. chinagraroot ociety and o govermance. he ha publihed monograph the political oiolagy of copenative and the groutb of the pubic realm in rumn cbima.
part ⅰ.concept and measure of vell-being
chapter 1.understan and measuring well-being:from a holistic perspective
part ⅱ.so structural factors and well-being
chapter 2.deprivation and quality of life
chaprer 3.economic strain and so bchavior
chapter 4.acculturation stress and mental health:based on the basic ychological needs theory
chaprer 5.migration-related stress and depression:from the perspective of so identity theory