Preface Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 The Aim and Focus ofThis Book 1.2 Overview 1.3 Basic Concepts
Chapter 2 The SAIL and SAIL-APPROX Algorithms 2.1 Introduction 2.2 The SAILAlgorithm 2.2.1 The Significance ofthe One-offCondition 2.2.2 Issues for Considerations 2.2.3 Algorithm Design 2.2.4 A Running Example 2.2.5 Correctness Analysis 2.2.6 Completeness Analysis 2.2.7 Time and Space Complexities 2.2.8 Discussions 2.3 The SAIL-APPROX Algorithm 2.3.1 Problem Definition 2.3.2 Algorithm Design 2.3.3 Correctness Analysis 2.3.4 Time and Space Complexities 2.4 Conclusions 2.5 OtherAlgorithms and References
Chapter 3 Pattern Matching Based on Bit-parallelism 3.1 Introduction 3.2 The BPBM Algorithm 3.2.1 Pattern Searching with Two Automata 3.2.2 Extending Bit-parallelism Operation for Flexible Pattern with Multiple Wildcards 3.2.3 On-line Sequential Pattern Matching 3.2.4 Off-line Occurrence Pruning 3.2.5 Complexity Analysis 3.2.6 Experiments 3.3 Multiple-pattemMatching 3.3.1 Basic Concept 3.3.2 Prefix NFA and Suffix NFA 3.3.3 Bit Mask 3.3.4 Occurrence Verification 3.3.5 Occurrence Printing 3.3.6 BWW and FWW Algorithms 3.3.7 Complexity Analysis 3.3.8 Experiments 3.4 Pattern Matching with Arbitrary-length Wildcards 3.4.1 Problem Definition 3.4.2 Bit-parallelism with Arbitrary-length Wildcards 3.4.3 Algorithm Design 3.4.4 Time and Space Complexities 3.4.5 Global Length Constraint 3.4.6 Experiments 3.5 Conclusions 3.6 Other Algorithms and References
Chapter 4 EfficientAlgorithms for Counting the Number ofOccurrences 4.1 Introduction 4.2 The PAIG Algorithm 4.2.1 Problem Definition 4.2.2 An Illustration Example 4.2.3 Algorithm Description 4.2.4 Complexity Analysis 4.2.5 Algorithm Enhancements 4.2.6 Global Length Constraints 4.2.7 Pattern Matching Frequency 4.2.8 Experiments 4.3 The NAMEIC Algorithm Based on Nettree 4.3.1 The Definition of Nettree 4.3.2 The NAMEIC Algorithm …… Chapter 5 Pattern Matching with General Gaps Chapter 6 The WOWAlgorithm Chapter 7 The RBCTAlgorithm References