本教材系统介绍国际金融组织贷款项目,尤其是世界银行/亚洲开发银行在中国的贷款项目管理的基本知识、建设程序、管理惯例以及实践经验。重点阐述了外资建设项目贷款申请及批准、贷款协议及项目协议的协商与签署、项目采购、项目贷款支付、项目执行与评价等工作程序,以及贷款项目管理过程中的商务活动实务等,培养读者掌握外资建设项目管理全过程中必需的工作技能。本教材根据编著者多年从事我国外资贷款建设项目管理咨询工作的经历,以及在大学开设相关课程的教学实践,采用全英文进行编写,并结合世行/亚行*项目贷款政策与项目案例,具有较强的指导性与参考价值。本教材适合作为高等院校土木工程及交通运输工程类专业的英语教材,同时也适合从事海外工程项目管理,国内外资贷款项目管理的技术人员与管理人员作为学习、参考及培训资料。English education in China has become increasingly important as the rapid development of China?s globalization. The first way to improve students? English communication skills is college English courses, which are usually given in the first two years of a undergraduate program. These courses are necessary for improving students? English communication skills for daily life but playing little role in improving their professional communication skills. The second way is the professional English courses, which provide students with the opportunities of learning engineering-related English, but the credit hours of those courses are very limited. The third way is bilingual or English teaching, which offer students the opportunities of not only learning career-related knowledge but also improving their professional English communication skills.
内容摘要 本教材系统介绍靠前金融组织贷款项目,尤其是世界银行/亚洲开发银行在中国的贷款项目管理的基本知识、建设程序、管理惯例以及实践经验。重点阐述了外资建设项目贷款申请及批准、贷款协议及项目协议的协商与签署、项目采购、项目贷款支付、项目执行与评价等工作程序,以及贷款项目管理过程中的商务活动实务等,培养读者掌握外资建设项目管理全过程中必需的工作技能。本教材根据编著者多年从事我国外资贷款建设项目管理咨询工作的经历,以及在大学开设相关课程的教学实践,采用全英文进行编写,并结合世行/亚行近期新项目贷款政策与项目案例,具有较强的指导性与参考价值。本教材适合作为高等院校土木工程及交通运输工程类专业的英语教材,同时也适合从事海外工程项目管理,国内外资贷款项目管理的技术人员与管理人员作为学习、参考及培训资料。English education in China has become increasingly important as the rapid development of Chinas globalization. The first way to improve students English communication skills is college English courses, which are usually given in the first two years of a undergraduate program. These courses are necessary for improving students English communication skills for daily life but playing little role in improving their professional communication skills. The second way is the professional English courses, which provide students with the opportunities of learning engineering-related English, but the credit hours of those courses are very limited. The third way is bilingual or English teaching, which offer students the opportunities of not only learning career-related knowledge but also improving their professional English communication skills.