Unit 1 Healthcare System I. Info-storm II. Watching-in III. Defining the concept IV. Critical reading V. Speaking out VI. Pros/Cons VII. Outcome
Unit 2 Bioethics I. Info-storm I. Watching-in III. Defining the Concept IV. Critical Reading V. Speaking Out VI. Pros/Cons VII. Outcome
Unit 3 Nutrition and Health I. Info-storm II. Watching-in III. Defining the Concept IV Critical Reading V Speaking Out VI Pros/Cons VII Outcome
Unit 4 GM food I. Info-storm II. Watching-in ITI. Defining the concept. IV. Critical Reading V. Speaking Out VI. Pros/Cons VII. Outcome
Unit 5 Post-transplant Care I. Info-storm II. Watching-in III. Defining the Concept IV. Critical Reading V. Speaking Out VI. Pros/Cons VII. Outcome
Unit 6 Drug Safety I. Info-storm II. Watching-in III. Defining the Concept IV. Critical Reading V. Speaking Out VI. Pros/Cons VII. Outcome
Unit 7 Precision Medicine I. Info-storm II. Watching-in III. Defining the Concept IV. Critical Reading V. Speaking Out IV. Pros/Cons VII. Outcome
Unit 8 Psychology and Life I. Info-storm II. Watching-in III. Defining the Concept: Defining Psychology IV. Critical Reading V. Speaking Out VI. Pros/Cons VII. Outcome