모모With the development of engineering construction in China밃 there are more and more tunnel projects built or planned in western China. Due to the complex geological conditions in these areas밃 and the deepening depth of those tunnels밃 the high geostress in deep tunnels usually leads to various degrees of rock bursts밃 resulting in personal casualties밃 equipment losses밃 delays in construction periods밃 or various economic risks. Many scholars at home and abroad have conducted a lot of researches on rock bursts caused by high geostress밃 and also put forward some preventive measures. However밃 since the occurrences of those rock bursts have such characteristics as uncertainty밃 abruptness and concealment밃 there still exist many disputes in the mechanism밃 systematic monitoring밃 early warning devices and preventive measures of rock bursts. In particular밃 there is no effective countermeasure in the engineering field to control serious high intensity rock bursts. Thus this book studies the deformation mechanism of those high-intensity rock bursts and puts forwards a pre-release de-stress blasting method밃 i.e. by combining with a series of reasonable drilling and blasting parameters밃 an artificially controlled blasting method can be used to weaken the intensity of rock bursts밃 and to provide solutions to the rock bursts in high-stress tunnels and underground projects. 모모Based on the study of the mechanism of the pre-release de-stress blasting for those high-intensity rock bursts밃 combined with numerical simulations밃 some reasonable de-stress blasting parameters are selected밃 including the diameter of the borehole밃 the spacing between boreholes밃 the depth of the borehole밃 the angle of the borehole밃 and so on. Some on-site tests were also held to verify the validity of this method and the rationality of the parameters.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1밅1 Background and Significance 1밅2 Foreign and Domestic Researches 1밅2밅1 Current research of rock bursts 1밅2밅2 Current research of geostress pre-relief controlled blasting 1밅2밅3 Current research on numerical simulation of the stability of surrounding rocks 1밅3 Main Research Contents and Technical Route 1밅3밅1 Research contents 1밅3밅2 Technical route 1밅4 Expected Target 1밅5 Main Innovations
Chapter 2 Factors and Preventing Methods of Rockbursts 2밅1 Definition of Rockburst 2밅2 Conventional Evaluation Indexes of Rockbursts 2밅3 Establishment of Numerical Model for Analyzing Factors of Rockbursts 2밅3밅1 Introduction to simulation tools 2밅3밅2 Model establishment and benchmark simulation 2밅4 Impact of Rock\'s Physical and Mechanical Properties on Rockbursts 2밅4밅1 Qualitative analysis of the impact of rock\'s physical and mechanical properties on rockbursts 2밅4밅2 Quantitative analysis of the impact of rock\'s physical and mechanical properties on rockbursts 2밅5 Numerical Analysis of the Effects of Excavating and Supporting Conditions on Rockbursts 2밅5밅1 Numerical analysis of the effects of full-face excavation and stepwise excavation on rockbursts 2밅5밅2 Numerical analysis of the effect of supporting conditions on rockbursts 2밅6 Recommended Ideas for Controlling High-intensity Rock Bursts 2밅7 Summary
Chapter 3 Mechanism of the Pre-release De-stress Blasting for Rockbursts 3밅1 Definition of De-stress Blasting 3밅2 Microscopic Mechanism of the De-stress Blasting 3밅3 Derivation of the Calculation Formula of Residual Stress after De-stress Blasting 3밅3밅1 Derivation of de-stress blasting equation on two-dimensional plane 3밅3밅2 Deduction of the de-stress blasting equation on 3-dimensional plane 3밅4 Role of the Stress Pre-release Loose Circle 3밅5 Factors Influencing De-stress Blasting Effectiveness 3밅6 Summary
Chapter 4 Experimental Study on Rock Mechanics of Surrounding Rocks in Tunnels 4밅1 Lab Environment 4밅2 Test Methods and Results 4밅2밅1 Uniaxial compressive strength test 4밅2밅2 Tensile strength test 4밅2밅3 Normal triaxial compression test 4밅3 Summary
Chapter 5 Optimization of Parameters for Pre-release De-stress Controlled Blasting Based on Numerical Simulations 5밅1 Response Platforms of Numerical Simulation Analysis 5밅1밅1 ANSYS/LS-DYNA numerical platform 5밅1밅2 FIAC 3D numerical analysis platform 5밅2 Calculation Process of De-stress Controlled Blasting 5밅2밅1 ANSYS/LS-DYNA numerical simulation blasting 5밅2밅2 Coupling process of ANSYS/LS-DYNA and FIAC 3D 5밅2밅3 Stress release simulation of de-stress blasting in tunnel 5밅3 Scheme for the De-stress Controlled Blasting 5밅3밅1 Overall plan 5밅3밅2 Design for orthogonal experiment numerical simulation 5밅3밅3 Design for single factor numerical simulation 5밅4 Result Analysis of Numerical Simulations 5밅4밅1 Result analysis of orthogonal experiment numerical simulation 5밅4밅2 Result analysis of single-factor numerical simulation 5밅5 Summary 몴몴
Chapter 6 On-site Tests of Stress Release by Borehole De-stress Blasting Chapter 7 Application of De-stress Controlled Blasting in Double-shield TBM Tunnel
Conclusion and Outlook Acknowledgements References