Acknowledgments Contributors Introduction 1.Textual Travel in Legal-Lay Communication
PART ONE: Police Investigation as TextuaI Mediation 2.The Transformation of Discourse in Emergency Calls to the Police 3.From Legislation to the Courts: Providing Safe Passage for Legal Texts through 4."Every Link in the Chain": The Police Interview as Textuallntersection
PART TWO: the Legal Case as Intertextual Construction 5.'The atricks'in the Courtroom: The Intertextual Construction of Legal Cases 6.Travels of a Suspect's Statement 7.Embedding Police Interviews in the Prosecution Case in the Shipman Trial 8.Tracing Crime Narratives in the PaLmer Trial (1856): From the Lawyer's Opening Speechest ot he judge's Summing Up
PART THREE:Judicial Discourse as Leg;al Recontextualization 9.Post-Penetration Rape and the Decontextualization of Witness Testimony 10.Communication and Magic: Authorized Voice, Legal-Linguistic Habitus, and the Recontextualization of "Beyond Reasonable Doubt" Il.Troubling the Legal-Lay Distinction: Litigant Briefs, OraI Argument, and a Public Hearing about Same-Sex Marriage
PART FOUR: Crossing Cultural and Ideological Categories in Lay-Legal Communication 12.The Discourse of DNA: Giving Informed Consent to Genetic Research 13.Travelling Texts: The Legal-Lay lnterface in Ihe Highway Code 14.Recalling Rape: Moving Beyond What We Know