内容提要 本书是一部充满深厚的解构主义思辨色彩的翻译论著。来自不同国家和不同文化背景的13位翻译学者以翻译与权力的关系为主题,运用新的理念、新的范式,通过对各种语言和文化背景下的翻译活动的实证性研究和历史性研究,对翻译与权力之间的操纵互动过程进行了深入犀利的阐述和分析,试图向翻译学界宣告,译学领域中“权力转向”的时代已经来临。 目录 AcknowledgmentsIntroductionTranslation and the Establishment of Liberal Democracy in Nineteenth-Century England: Constructing the Political as an Interpretive ActThe Translation of the Treaty of Waitangi: A Case of DisempowermentThe Empire Talks Back: Orality, Heteronomy, and the Cultural Turn in Interpretation StudiesWriting, Interpreting, and the Power Struggle for the Control of Meaning: Scenes from Kafka, Borges, and KosztolfinaiTranslation as Testimony: On Official Histories and Subversive Pedagogies in CortfizarTranslating Woman: Victoria Ocampo and the Empires of Foreign FascinationGermaine de Stall and Gayatri Spivak: Culture Brokers Spanish Film Translation and Cultural Patronage: The Filtering and Manipulation of Imported Material duringFranco's DictatorshipTranslation as a Catalyst for Social Change in ChinaTranslation, Dipaysement, and Their FigurationTranslation, Poststructuralism, and PowerBibliographyContributorsIndex 作者介绍