目录 贺信/许嘉璐 congratulatory Letter 长城国家文化公园建设的几点思考/董耀会 Thoughts on the Construction of Great wall National park 长城文化与中华文明的价值/娄晓琪季燕京张文涛杨瑞明张丹 Great wall culture and the value of chinese Civilization 万里长城与人们的心态展望/李鸿宾 People's Outlook and Great wall Belt and Road 交通史视角的秦汉长城考察/王子今 An Investigation of Qin and Han Great wall under the Perspective of Traffic History 长城学正逐步成为显学,以《中国长城志》为例/仲敏李纯黎雪 The Study of Great wall is Becoming Popular, with the Example of Chronicles of the Great wall of china 明代北边战事与长城军事聚落修筑/张玉坤范熙胆李严 Northern China war in Ming Dynasty and Great wall Military Settlements 班军:明朝修筑长城的重要力量——兼谈长城沿线文物中“班”字的解读/彭勇 Troop of Banjun: Important part of Great wall Construction with an Analysis of Character ‘Ban'on Relics alongside the Great wall 关于长城景区发展的一些思考/王铁林 Thoughts on the Development of Great wall Tourist Attractions 长城文化遗产廊道建设/吴诗中徐飞乔忠林 The Development of Great wall cultural Heritage Corridor 众志成城——公众参与成就“完整长城”/邬东璠 The Strength of Joint Efforts:'Complete Great wall'with Crowd participation 浅议长城抗战与长城精神/张量 On 1933 Great wall war and Great wall Spirit 长城是中华民族复兴的文化符号/李戈瑞 Great wall is the Cultural Symbol of the Great National Rejuvenation 新时代背景下长城文化助力文旅融合发展/张成源 Fusion Development of Culture and Tourism Assisted by Great wall culture in New Times 试论长城的修筑、功能及文化/黄超 on the construction,Function and culture of the Great wall 金长城的修建及其对蒙金关系影响/祁丽孙文政 The Construction of Jin Great wall & Influence on Jin-Mongolia Relations 植物与长城的和谐/刘政安 王小峰佟宁宁 刘永刚 Harmony between Great wall and Plants 宣大山西三镇军屯及影响/王杰瑜 Military Garrisons of xuanfu,Datong and Shanxi and Their Influence 中国最古老的长城——楚长城调查、发掘及一些保护问题的思考/李一丕 Thoughts on the Investigation,Excavation and protection problems of the oldest Great wall in china:Chu Great wall 中国古代城池垛口墙研究——考古学的证据/尚珩 study on Crenel wal1s in Ancient Chinese Cities-Archaeology Evidence 八达岭长城文化研究/黄丽敬 Research on the Culture of Badaling Great wall 长城:生存、冲突与和平的哲学思考/彭运辉 Great wall:philosophical Thoughts on Survival, Conflict and peace 八达岭的历史价值/左志辉 The Historical value of Badaling 八达岭长城砖病害调查及保护建议/张涛胡睿