目录 About the book Acknowledgments 1 Introducing Second Language Acquisition What is SLA? What is a second language? What is a first language? Diversity in learning and learners Summary Activities 2 Foundations of Second Language Acquisition The world of second languages The nature of language learning L1 versus 1.2 learning The logical problem of language learning Frameworks for SLA Summary Activities Further reading 3 The Linguistics of Second Language Acquisition The nature of language Early approaches to SLA Universal Grammar Functional approaches Summary Activities Further reading 4 The Psychology of Second Language Acquisition Languages and the brain Learning processes Differences in learners The effects of rnuitilingulism Summary Activities Further reading 5 So Contexts of Second Language Acquisition Communicative competence Microso factors Macroso factors Summary Activities Further reading 6 Acquiring Knowledge for L2 Use Competence and use Academic vs. interpersonal competence Components of language knowledge Receptive activities Productive activities Summary Activities Further reading 7 L2 learning and Teaching Integrating perspectives Approaching near-native competence Implications for L2 learning and teaching Summary Answer guide to questions for self-study Glossary References Index