椭圆曲线算术 第2版
全新正版 现货速发
作者 (美)希尔弗曼
出版社 世界图书出版公司
ISBN 9787510037443
出版时间 2011-07
装帧 平装
开本 其他
定价 59元
货号 1200174183
上书时间 2024-10-21
目录 Preface to the Second Edition Preface to the First Edition Introduction CHAPTER 1 Algebraic Varieties 1. Affine Varieties 2. Projective Varieties 3. Maps Between Varieties Exercises CHAPTER 2 Algebraic Curves 1. Curves 2. Maps Between Curves 3. Divisors 4. Differentials 5. The Riemarm-Roch Theorem Exercises CHAPTER 3 The Geometry of Elliptic Curves 1. Weierstrass Equations 2. The Group Law 3. Elliptic Curves 4. Isogenies 5. The Invariant Differential 6. The Dual Isogeny 7. The Tate Module 8. The Weil Pairing 9. The Endomorphism Ring 10. The Automorphism Group Exercises CHAPTER 4 The Formal Group of an Elliptic Curve 1. Expansion Around O 2. Formal Groups 3. Groups Associated to Formal Groups 4. The Invariant Differential 5. The Formal Logarithm 6. Formal Groups over Discrete Valuation Rings 7. Formal Groups in Characteristic p Exercises CHAPTER 5 Elliptic Curves over Finite Fields 1. Number of Rational Points 2. The Weil Conjectures 3. The Endomorphism Ring 4. Calculating the Hasse Invariant Exercises CHAPTER 6 Elliptic Curves over C 1. Elliptic Integrals 2. Elliptic Functions 3. Construction of Elliptic Functions 4. Maps Analytic and Maps Algebraic 5. Uniformization 6. The Lefschetz Principle Exercises CHAPTER 7 Computing the Mordell-Weil Group CHAPTER 8 Algorithmic Aspects of Elliptic Curves APPENDIX 内容摘要 In the preface to the first edition of this book I remarked on the paucity of intro-ductory texts devoted to the arithmetic of elliptic curves. That unfortunate state of affairs has long since been remedied with the publication of many volumes, among which may be mentioned books by Cassels.
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