Gorgeous canines of every shape, size and colour are boundingthrough this irresistible book of opposites. Can you choose one dogto love best of all? With playful pencil and watercolour illustrations to delightchildren and adults alike, everyone will long to bark along withthe Chihuahua and tickle the Dalmatian's tummy. Emily Gravett hascreated another wonderfully satisfying book - with a twist in thetail.
Emily Gravett是位英国新锐作家,她的插画感动了许多小朋友,作品不但时常荣登畅销排行榜,而且得到许多关键性的评论及奖项。她曾两度获得英国凯特格林威大奖 (KATE GREENAWAY MEDAL)、史马谛斯童书大奖 (SMARTIES PRIZE)、以及英国雀巢儿童书奖 (又称聪明豆书奖)(NESTLECHILDREN'S BOOK PRIZE)。对于作品,Emily有相当的品质坚持,她的风格新奇且推陈出新,提供了相当的刺激和令人满意的视觉经验与乐趣,故深受大人及小朋友的喜爱。