Henry Spencer,早期UNIX开发者中的佼佼者,他创建了getopt、第一个开源字符串库以及用于4.4BSD的正则表达式引擎。
“Reading this book has filled a gap in my education. I feel a sense of completion, understand that UNIX is really a style of community. Now I get it, at least I get it one level deeper than I ever did before. This book came at a perfect moment for me, a moment when I shifted from visualizing programs as things to programs as the shadows cast by communities. From this perspective, Eric makes UNIX make perfect sense。”作者简介:
Eric S.Raymond多年前即从事NUIX开发。他以开源社区巡回大使的身份而著称。他在著名的《The Cathedral and the Bazaar》、《大教堂和市集》中发表了开源运动的宣言,并且还编著了《The New Hacker's Dictionary》一书。
Henry Spencer,早期UNIX开发者中的佼佼者,他创建了getopt、第一个开源字符串库以及用于4.4BSD的正则表达式引擎。
“Reading this book has filled a gap in my education. I feel a sense of completion, understand that UNIX is really a style of community. Now I get it, at least I get it one level deeper than I ever did before. This book came at a perfect moment for me, a moment when I shifted from visualizing programs as things to programs as the shadows cast by communities. From this perspective, Eric makes UNIX make perfect sense。”作者简介:
Eric S.Raymond多年前即从事NUIX开发。他以开源社区巡回大使的身份而著称。他在著名的《The Cathedral and the Bazaar》、《大教堂和市集》中发表了开源运动的宣言,并且还编著了《The New Hacker's Dictionary》一书。
1. Philosophy.
Culture? What culture?
The durability of Unix.
The case against learning Unix culture.
What Unix gets wrong.
What Unix gets right.
Basics of the Unix philosophy.
The Unix philosophy in one lesson.
Applying the Unix philosophy.
Attitude matters too.
2. History.
Origins and history of Unix, 1969-1995.
Origins and history of the hackers, 1961-1995.
The open-source movement: 1998 and onward.
The lessons of Unix history.
3. Contrasts.
The elements of operating-system style.
Operating-system comparisons.
What goes around, comes around.
4. Modularity.
Encapsulation and optimal module size.
Compactness and orthogonality.
Unix and object-oriented languages.
Coding for modularity.
5. Textuality.
The Importance of Being Textual.
Data file metaformats.
Application protocol design.
Application protocol metaformats.
6. Transparency.
Some case studies.
Designing for transparency and discoverability.
Designing for maintainability.
7. Multiprogramming.
Separating complexity control from performance tuning.