目录 Introduction TCM Healthcare Self—Massage Benefits of healthcare massage 5 / Head massage 7 / Self—massage for the arms 14 / Chest and abdomen massage 18 / Sides and back massage 24 / Self—massage for the legs 28 / Self—massage for cosmetic purposes 33 / Bath massage :38 / Massage for weight loss 42 / Foot massage 43 Self—Tuina for Common Injuries and Ailments Functions of tuina 49 / Basic principles ofself—tuina for common injuries and ailments 50 / Ailments that can benefit from self—tuina 51 / Self—tuina is not recommended for people with…… 51 / Application of self—tuina for common ailments 53 ( Headache 53 / Insomnia 56 / Dizziness 60 / Nearsightedness 62 / Neurasthenia 64 / Distended abdomen 67 / Constipation 69 / Diarrhea 74/Toothache 77 / Frozen shoulder 78 / Cervical spondylosis 81 / Stiff neck 87 / Stomachache 90 ) Appendix Acupoints on the head and face and their therapeutic properties 92 / Acupoints in the upper limbs and their therapeutic properties 93 / Acupoints at the chest and abdomen and their therapeutic properties 94 / Acupoints on the back and at lumber region and their therapeutic properties 95 / Acupoints in the lower limbs and their therapeutic properties 96 / Ear reflection zones 98 / Foot reflection zones 99