目录 PrefaceAcknowledgementsCHAPTER 1 Graphics and Visua 1 图表与视觉辅助手段 Section 1.1 Using Graphics and Visual Aids 图表与视觉辅助手段的应用 Section 1.2 Developing Graphics 图表的制作 Section 1.3 Using Visual Aids in Oral Presentations 在口头演示中运用视觉辅助手段CHAPTER 2 Technical Communication 技术文件的写作 Section 2.1 Write to Instruct 说明性写作 Section 2.2Write to Describe 描述性写作CHAPTER 3 Communicating with Customers 与客户的交流 Section 3.1 Customer Service 客户服务 Section 3.2 Communication on the Web 网络交流CHAPTER 4 Building Strong Customer Relationships 建立良好的客户关系 Section 4.1 Nonverbal Communication 非言语交流 Section 4.2 Importance of Listening in Business 商务环境下倾听的重要性 Section 4.3 Face-to-Face and Telephone Communication 面对面交流与电话交流CHAPTER 5 PresentationsI Meetingsl and Teams 演讲、会议与团队 Section 5.1 0ral Presentations 口头演讲 Section 5.2 Meeting Communications 会议中的交际 Section 5.3 Effective Meetings 有效会议 Section 5.4 Teams 团队CHAPTER 6 Getting a Job 求职 Section 6.1 Analyzing Yourself and the Market 自我分析与市场分析 Section 6.2 Writing Your Resume 撰写简历 Section 6.3 Composing the Letter of Application and Completing the Application Form 撰写求职信、填写求职表 Section 6.4 Interviewing well and Writing the Follow—up Letter 成功面试与后续信函 APPENDIX 1 Proofreaders’Marks APPENDIX 2 Glossary