心智与社会中的意义 功能视角下认知语言学的社会转向
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1. What this book tries to do
2. A summary of the argument
2.1. There is no such thing as conceptual frames(But theres a whole so-cognitive world)
2.2. On-line vs. off-line features
2.3. So cognitive linguistics vs. analysis in terms of discourses.
2.4. Functional relations and adaptation
3. The progression of the book
Chapter 1. The heartland of Cognitive Linguistics
1. Introduction
2. Conceptualization and concepts
3. Frames, domains, and idealized cognitive models
4. Embodiment and image schemas. From conceptual to neural patterns
5. Figurative meaning
6. Linguistic meaning: Polysemy, ambiguity, and abstraction
7. Mental spaces
8. Cognitive linguistics and cognitive grammar
9. Final remarks
Chapter 2. From conceptual representations to sodal processes:
aspects of the ongoing so turn
1. Introduction
2. Cognitivism and conceptualization in the sociocultural sphere
3. Variation, lexical semantics and corpus linguistics
4. The developmental perspective: epigenesis, joint attention and cultural learning
5. Extended grounding: situational, intersubjective and cultural aspects
6. Language as a population of utterances: an evolutionary synthesis
7. Meaning construction
8. Final remarks
Chapter 3: So constructions and discourses
1. Introduction
2. The so construction of reality
3. Power, habitus, marginalization and discourse:the French poststructuralists
4. The analytic practice: discourse(s) analysis
5. Discursive psychology
6. Systemic-Functional Linguistics
7. Soly based theories of meaning: overview and issues
Chapter 4. The foundations of a socio-cognitive synthesis:so reality as the context of cognition
1. Introduction
2. So facts: objective and subjective, intrinsic and observer-relative properties
3. Niche construction
4. Individuals, collectives and the invisible hand
5. Functional relations
6. Mind in society: causal patterns and the individual
7. Summary: the socio-cognitive world
Chapter 5. Meaning and flow: the relation between usage and competency
1. Introduction
2. Meaning as process input
3. Presupposition and the directional nature
of linguistic meaning
4. The procedural nature of competencies
5. Usage, competency and meaning construction
6. Conceptual categories and the flow. Messy and precise semantic territories
7. Summary
Chapter 6. Structure, function and variation
1. Introduction: the so foundations of structure
2. Usage, structure and component units
3. Function-based structure i
3.1. Structured division of labour- and arbitrariness as a functionally motivated property
3.2. Slots and constructions: coercion as construction-internal functional pressure
3.3. Functional upgrading: the dynamic dimension of syntax
3.4. The interdependence of the top-down and bottom-up perspectives
4. Norms and variation
4.1. Introduction: the interdependence of structure and variation
4.2. Variation and the linguistic system.
4.3. The role of norms
4.4. Norms and individual competency
4.5. The so dynamics of linguistic variation
4.6. Usage, structure and variation in an evolutionary framework: a discussion with Croft
5. Summary: function-based structure and langue in a so cognitive linguistics
Chapter 7. Meaning and so reality
1. Introduction
2. The growth and structure of so constructions
2.1. The bottom-up trajectory. From construals to so constructions
2.2. Acceptance and efficacy: the evolutionary dynamics of so construction
2.3. Habitus vs. conceptual models: do we really need mental representations?
2.4. The Platonic projection: concepts as part of the niche
3. The role of acceptance
3.1. Beliefs as so constructions: causal power and grounding
3.2. The interface between niche and flow in so construction(s)
3.3. Bullshit: function and factual grounding
3.4 Re-conceptualization and so reality
4. Discourses analysis and so cognitive linguistics
4.1. What precisely are Foucault-style discourses?
4.2. How can discourses be understood in terms of a so cognitive linguistics?
4.3. Where Foucault-style analysis belongs -and where it is inadequate
5. Meaning in hard so science: the case of International Relations
5.1. The Copenhagen school of international relations (CIR)
5.2. The need to distinguish between the niche and the flow
5.3. Niche construction and the grounding of layered identity structure
5.4. CIR, agency and factual grounding
6. Individual conceptualization and the so constructor
7. Cognitively based critical analysis -
a comparative perspectivization
8. Summary: Conceptualization in society
Chapter 8. Multi-ethnic societies: discourses vs. so cognitive linguistics
1. Introduction
2. The ethnic other: an ultra-brief historical overview
3. So construction and universal humanity
4. A so cognitive analysis of the distinction between us and them.
5. Where discourses fail: the decline and fall of the anti-racist discourse in Denmark
6. Strategies based on collaborative agency: platform building and niche (re)construction
7. Asymmetric communication and the pathological they: the niche for discourses
8. Final remarks: why critical analysis needs functional relations and collaborative agency
Chapter 9: Summary and perspectives
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