目录 醫鑒醫戒Drawing Lessons from Past Medical Cases 公孫綽治偏枯 Gongsun Chuo?s Claim of Reviving the Dead 至孝感醫 Filial Piety Moved the Doctor 荆林毒飯 The Poisonous Rice 孕作病治 Mistaking Pregnancy for Disease 割癭 Removing the Sarcoma 餳錫不辨 Mistaking Sugar as Tin 仲光竊書 Zhongguang?s Theft of Medical Classics 欲全一命, 反戕兩命 Killing Two Lives Rather Than Saving One 診宗三昧 Three Illnesses of Doctors 兵以除暴,藥以攻疾 Troops for Restoring Peace and Drugs for Eliminating Disease 醫須周察 The Importance of Careful Observation by the Doctor 剖腹驗孕 Pregnancy Confirmed In the Most Cruel Way 名醫難當 The Difficulty Being a Famous Doctor 曹醫被毆 Doctor Cao Beaten for Misdiagnosis and Lack of Ethics 榜方通衢 A Formula Posted at the Crossroad 脉理不可臆斷 Avoiding Subjective Assumption Based on the Pulse 寧願脚踢 A Quack?s Unlucky Hands 醫官之店 The Shop of Medical Offis 智診樟毒識真兇 Identification of the Real Criminal 高年有娠 Pregnancy of an Elderly 雜説趣談 Miscellaneous Thoughts and Anecdotes 醫和論蠱 Yi He?s Theory about the Gu Disease 醫竘與張儀 Doctor Qu and Minister Zhang Yi 甘水多美人 Sweet Water Nurtures Good-looking People 味之本 The Source of All Flavors 别類求因 Seeking the Truth with Critical Thinking 服藥有約 Rules of Taking Medicine 治小治大,惟順而已 Dealing with Things by Complying with the Way 霜露之病 A Minor Disease of an Important Person 陽氣聚面,陰氣聚背 Yang Qi Gathers on the Face, While Yin Qi on the Back 學如牛毛,成如麟角 Numerous Learn, but Few Succeed 人常失道,非道失人 Deviation from the Way 失勢者之病 Sufferings from Decline of One?s Status 巢元方論蠱毒 Chao Yuanfang?s Theory on Gu Poison “千金”之由 A Medical Book that Is Worth More Than a Thousand Pieces of Gold 服丸藥法 How to Take Pill Medicine 太宗苦痢 Emperor Taizong Suffered from Dysentery 牛溲馬勃 Make the Most of Things 屑金粉犀 Grinding Gold and Rhino Horn 歐蘇醫話 Ouyang and Su?s Conversation on Medicine 丹砂之變 Vermillion Pills 單味易知, 複用難辨 The Difficulty with Using Compound Medicines 流水止水 Running Water and Still Water 沈括駁“一木五香” Shen Kuo Discredited Duan Chengshi?s Records 沈括論用藥 Shen Kuo?s Theory of Material Medical 沈括論采藥 Shen Kuo?s Theory of Collecting Medicinal Herbs 臭腐神奇,氣精變化 A Wonder Growing out of Stink 不讀醫書,猶爲不孝 Not Reading Medical Books Equals to Impiety 治藥捷法 Tips for Processing Medicine 慧眼慧心 Good Eye, Wise Doctor 人命呼吸間 One?s Life Is Between His Breath 貧富憂樂 Trouble and Agony Accompany Everyone 病是良藥 Diseases As Warnings 王安石煮茶辨江水 Wang Anshi Identified the Origin of River Water 盗賊充醫 A Thief Pretending to Be a Doctor 水銀解鉛毒 Mercury Detoxifies Lead Poison 睡訣 Tips for Sound Sleep 漢文帝侍疾嘗藥 An Emperor of Filial Piety 沈起弃官侍父疾 Shen Qi Abandoned His Post out of Filial Piety 黔婁嘗糞辨父疾 Qianlou the Modal Son 絲瓜换韭 Gourds Replaced for Leeks 讀醫書四病 Four Problems with Reading Medical Books 字期清爽,藥期共曉 The Importance of Making the Prescriptions Legible 羊肉最飽人 Mutton As the Most Filling Food Item 爛蒸老雄鴨,功效比參芪 Steamed Drake Is More Effective Than Ginseng 成語尋幽Origins of Chinese Idioms Relevant to Medicine 不可救藥 Beyond Cure 三折肱知爲良醫 Breaking Arms Three Times Can Be a Skilled Doctor 十全上工 Treating Ten Patients and Curing Them All Proved a Doctor 膏肓 An Incurable Disease 美疢不如惡石 A Painless Disease Is Worse Than a Painful Treatment 人之將死,其言也善 A Dying Person Bequeaths Well Intended Words 吐故納新 Out With the Old and In With the New 破癰舐痔 Sucking Ulcers and Kissing Ass 七年之病, 求三年之艾 Make Effort at the Last Minute 九折臂 Breaking Ones? Arm for Nine Times 驚弓之鳥 Birds Startled by the Sound of Bowstring 流水不腐,户樞不螻(蠹) Flowing Water Is Never Stagnant and Active Door-hinges Are Never Rotten 卜筮禱祠,疾病愈來 Prayers and Divination Are Ineffective for Treating Disease 扁鵲説病(諱疾忌醫) Conceal One?s Ailment and Refuse to Consult the Doctor 樂極生悲 Extreme Joy Begets Sorrow 疏字數乳 Predestined Lifespan and Affecting Factors 九轉金丹 Dan Medicine That Is Refined Nine Times 薏苡明珠 Taking Pearl Rice for Pearls /A False Accusation 劉伶病酒 Liu Ling?s Sickness for Alcohol 望梅止渴 Quench One?s Thirst by Thinking of Plums 醋浸曹公,湯煮右軍 Sir. Cao Soaked in Vinegar and Sir. Wang Stewed in Soup 韓康賣藥,言不二價 No Bargaining When Buying Medicine from Han Kang 一盤冰,三斗火 One Plate of Ice Vs. Three Dou of Fire 破除迷信 Medical Explanations for Supernatural Beings and Phenomena 景公夢與二日鬥 Duke Jing Dreaming of Fighting Two Suns 桓公見鬼 Duke Huan Encountered a Ghost 畏影惡迹 Fear of Shadow and Aversion to Footprints 鬼由心生 Ghosts Coming From One?s Heart 人死不爲鬼 The Dead Cannot Turn Into Ghosts 鮑君神 God Abalone 杜宣疑蛇(杯弓蛇影) Mistaking the Shadow of a Crossbow for a Snake 桑中生李 A Mulberry Tree Growing in a Plum Tree 石賢士神 A Divine Stone Figure 荆 巫 A Wizard in Jing Area 狡妄神技 A Cunning Alchemist With Absurd Skills 巴楚巫盛 Prevalence of Witchcraft in Ba and Chu Areas 陳五捽巫 Chen Wu Exposed the Witch?s Trick 楚俗信鬼 People in Chu Area Believed in Ghosts 藥符愈風 Prevalence of Medical Charms 神志湛然,鬼慚而去 Calmness and a Clear Mind Are the Best Weapons Against Ghosts 女巫郝媪 The Old Witch Hao 參考書目 Works Cited