目录 序言 一、科学计量理论与方法研究 1—1 Gauging the Bridging Function of Nodes in a Network:The Gefura Measure 1—2 Measuring the Knowledge—based Economy of China in Terms of Synergy among Technological,Organizational,and Geographic Attributes of Firms 1—3 Exploring the Deterministic Factors That Influence the Publication and Citation Process 1—4 合作网络中的合作关系链接预测 二、科学计量评价实践研究 2—1 Scientific Papers on Renewable Energy Published by the Peoples Republic of China and Spain,2003—2012:a Bibliometric Analysis 2—2 Two Elements of Evaluative Bibliometrics in Sweden:The National Indicator and the Bibliometric Unit of Stockholm University 2—3 Analysis of the Development of ISSI and Scientometrics and Informetrics:A View of ISSI Conference Papers 2—4 Evaluation Index System for Academic Papers of Humanities and So Sciences 2—5 Emerging Topic Detection Based on LDA Combined 2—6 肿瘤学学科结果的计量学分析 三、科学计量指标研究 3—1 科研影响力的全局h指数 3—2 Construction of Journal Retraction Impact Factor 3—3 ID Index to Calculate the Influence of an Academic Paper Under the Context of Citation Network 四、科学计量与大学评估 4—1 Analysis of the Results and Innovation of the Idea and Method of Chinese University Evaluation in 2013 4—2 SUR模型在大学评价中的应用 4—3 大学排行的科学与文化——再看大学排行榜的认识与误区 4—4 中外合作办学人才培养质量内部监控体系的构建 4—5 世界一流大学与科研机构竞争力评价的做法、特色与结果分析 4—6 基于目标管理的地方本科高校二级学院绩效评价体系研究与实践——以Z大学为例 五、科学计量学在中国 ……