There are 12 modules in this textbook, including: C programming overview; types, operators and expressions; input and output; decision making; loops; arrays; functions; preprocessors; pointers; structures, unions and enums; bitwise operators; files.
This textbook was developed in response to the growing scale of Sino-Foreign education cooperation and the growing demand for English and bilingual textbooks. It focuses on students participating in English or bilingual classes in higher vocational education, and emphasizes the combination of theory and practice.
This textbook provides a variety of resources, such as the Chinese annotation of the corresponding chapters, answers to the exercises, source codes, teaching coursewares, teaching plans and other conventional teaching resources. Students can scan the QR code to gain these resources.
目录 Module 1 C Programming Overview 1.1 History of the C Language 1.2 Features of the C Language 1.3 C Program Development Process 1.4 En \"varonment Setup 1.5 Simple C Example 1.6 Summary 1.7 Exercises Module 2 Types, Operators and Expressions 2.1 Keywords and Identifiers 2.1.1 Keywords 2.1.2 Identifiers 2.2 Data Types of The C Language 2.3 Constants and Variables 2.3.1 Constants and Symbolic Constants 2.3.2 Variables 2.3.3 Data Type Conversion 2.4 Operators and Expressions 2.4.1 Arithmetic Operators and Arithmetic Expressions 2.4.2 Assignment Operators and Assignment Expressions 2.4.3 Comma Operator and Comma Expression 2.5 Summary 2.6 Exercises Module 3 Input and Output 3.1 Program Flow Chart 3.2 Formatting Input and Output 3.2.1 Formatted Output Function 3.2.2 Formatted Input Function 3.3 Character Input and Output 3.3.1 putchar( ) Function 3.3.2 getchar( ) Function 3.4 Summary 3.5 Exercises Module 4 Decision Making 4.1 Logical Operators and Logical Expressions 4.1.1 Logical Operators 4.1.2 Logical Expressions 4.2 Relational Operators and Relational Expressions 4.2.1 Relational Operators 4.2.2 Relational Expressions 4.3 Conditional Operators and Conditional Expressions 4.4 Branch Structure 4.4.1 Single Branch Structure 4.4.2 Double Branch Structure 4.4.3 Multi-Branch Structure 4.5 Summary 4.6 Exercises Module 5 Loops 5.1 For Loop 5.2 While lamp