目录 前言 Foreword 第一章 Chapter 江南水乡 Waterside Towns in the South of the Yangtze River 浙江 Zhejiang 01 乌镇:枕河而居,先锋江南 Wuzhen Town: Living by the River and a Pioneer in the South of the Yangtze River 02 西塘:烟雨长廊,梦里西塘 Xitang: Dreamlike Xitang with Promenades Shrouded in the Misty Rain 03 南浔:中西合璧,园林宅第 Nanxun: Garden-Like Mansions where the East Meets the West 04 石浦:山城渔港,海钓天堂 Shipu: Fishing Port and Marine Angling Paradise 05 前童:清溪绕舍,诗礼儒乡 Qiantong: Clear Streams Around Houses in a Culturally Prosperous Town 06 廿八都:百姓古塞,文化飞地 Nianbadu: Ancient Fortress and Cultural Enclave 07 俞源 :太极星象,文运昌盛 Yuyuan: Astrology of the Supreme Ultimate Indicates Cultural Prosperity 08 郭洞:风水福地,长寿之乡 Guodong: Land of Fengshui Geomantic Omen and Longevity 江苏 Jiangsu 09 周庄:方圆双桥,水乡之最 Zhouzhuang: Waterside Town with Twin Bridges and Enchantiing Scenery 10 同里:繁华富土,醇正水乡 Tongli: Prosperous and Intoxicatingly Pure Waterside Town 11 甪直:五湖六泽,三步两桥 Luzhi: Five Lakes, Six Marshes, and Two Bridges within Three Steps 12 木渎:园林古镇,秀冠江南 Mudu: Ancient Town of Gardens, Being the Best of the South of the Yangtze River 13 锦溪:碧荷长堤,莲池古桥 Jinxi: Long Embankments Lined by Green Lotus Leaves; Ancient Bridges amid Lotus Ponds 14 千灯:炎武故里,昆腔绕梁 Qiandeng: Hometown of Yanwu and the Land with Reverberating Music of Kun Opera 15 惠山:二泉映月,泥人纳福 Huishan: Spring Reflecting the Moon and