目录 Preface A note on choice ofmetric Text website Part 1 Effective field theory: the Standard Model, supersymmetry, unification 1 Before the Standard Model Suggested reading 2 The Standard Model 2.1 Yan9-Mills theory 2.2 Realizations of symmetry in quantum field theory 2.3 The quantization of Yan9-Mills theories 2.4 The particles and fields of the Standard Model 2.5 The gauge boson masses 2.6 Quark and lepton masses Suggested reading Exercises 3 Phenomenology of the Standard Model 3.1 The weak interactions 3.2 The quark and lepton mass matrices 3.3 The strong interactions 3.4 The renormalization group 3.5 Calculating the beta function 3.6 The strong interactions and dimensional transmutation 3.7 Confinement and lattice gauge theory 3.8 Strong interaction processes at high momentum transfer Suggested reading Exercises 4 The Standard Model as an effective field theory 4.1 Lepton and baryon number violation 4.2 Challenges for the Standard Model 4.3 The hierarchy problem 4.4 Dark matter and dark energy 4.5 Summary: successes and limitations of the Standard Model Suggested reading 5 Anomalies, instantons and the strong CP problem 5.1 The chiral anomaly 5.2 A two-dimensional detour 5.3 Real QCD 5.4 The strong CP problem 5.5 Possible solutions of the strong CP problem Suggested reading Exercises 6 Grand unification 6.1 Cancellation of anomalies 6.2 Renormalization of couplings 6.3 Breaking to SU(3)×SU(2)×U(1) 6.4 SU(2)×U(1)breaking 6.5 Charge quantization and magic monopoles 6.6 Proton decay 6.7 Other groups