目录 Introduction to the Text The First Half CHAPTER ONE Childhood CHAPTER Two Quitting School to Becoming a Cowboy and a Woodcutter CHAPTER THREE Learning to Be a Carpenter CHAPTER FOUR Becoming Acquainted with Mr. Hu Qinyuan and Being Accepted as His Student CHAPTER FIVE Becoming a Famous Painter CHAPTER Six The Five Long-Distance Tours CHAPTER SEVEN Life in Seclusion in the Countryside The Second Half The Second Half CHAPTER EIGHT Migrating to Beijing CHAPTER NINE The Reformation of His Painting Style in Old Age CHAPTER TEN Becoming a Professor at the National Beijing Art College CHAPTER ELEVEN A DiStinguished Chinese-Painting Master --Qi Baishi CHAPTER TWELVE Hard Times during the Chinese People's War AgainSt the Japanese Aggression CHAPTER THIRTEEN The Hardships of the Civil War CHAPTER FOURTEEN In the Early Days of the New China CHAPTER FIFTEEN Ascending to the Summit of His Art Epilogue