目录 Unit 1 Career Text A Moving the goalposts in graduate education Text B Uncertain futures Unit 2 Conference Text A The highs and lows of scientific conferences Text B How to design an award-winning poster? Unit 3 Co-supervision Text A What is co-supervision? Text B Co-supervision in doctoral education: challenges and responses Unit 4 Critical Thinking Text A The virtue of critical thinking Text B Critical thinking and science education Unit 5 Data Text A When all science becomes data science Text B Who's looking at your data? Unit 6 Degree Text A The nature of doctoral education Text B Originality and the PhD Unit 7 Grant Text A Secrets to writing a winning grant Text B After the fall:what to do when your grant is rejected Unit 8 Impact Factor Text A Citation data: the wrong impact? Text B Impact Factors and their significance: overrated or misused? Unit 9 Industrial PhD Text A Outside the box Text B How to successfully collaborate with industry ? Unit 10 Interdisciplinary Studies Text A How to catalyze collaboration Text B Break out Unit 11 Misconduct Text A Is science facing a reproducibility crisis? Text B Academic misconduct disciplinary policy Unit 12 Open Access Text A In pursuit of open science, open access is not enough Text B Plan S:the ambitious initiative to end the reign of paywalls Unit 13 Peer Review Text A Peering into peer review Text B It's time to lift the veil on peer review Unit 14 Publication Text A Writing the manuscript successfully Text B Riding out rejection Unit 15 Seminar Text A The secrets of a standout seminar Text B What do we mean by seminar? Unit 16 Viva Text A Levelling the playing field: towards best practice in viva Text B Preparing doctoral candidates for the viva