目录 Let's learn Phonic sounds s and a Phonic sounds t and p Phonic sounds i and n Practice time! Phonic sounds m and d Phonic sounds g and o Phonic sounds c and k Practice time! Phonic sounds e and u Phonic sounds r and h Phonic sounds b and f Practice time! Phonic sounds l and i Phonic sounds v, w and x Phonic sounds y, z and qu Practice time! Alphabet sounds More alphabet sounds Let's practice Phonic sound s Phonic sound a Phonic sound t Phonic sound p Phonic sound i Phonic sound n Phonic sound m Phonic sound d Phonic sound g Phonic sound o Phonic sound c Phonic sound k and ck Phonic sound e Phonic sound u Phonic sound r Phonic sound h Phonic sound b Phonic sound f and ff Phonic sound l and ll Phonic sounds ss and j Phonic sounds v and w Phonic sounds x and y Phonic sound z and zz Phonic sounds qu and ch Answers