目录 Chapter 1. 欢迎来到平台的世界Welcome to Platform World Chapter 2. 网络效应:用户如何行成平台的价值Network Effects: How Users Shape the Power of the Platform Chapter 3. 平台设计图:创建一个成功的平台的设计原则A Platform Blueprint: Design Principles for Creating a Successful Platform Chapter 4. 先有鸡还是先有蛋?使用推(Pull)战略组建一个平台Chicken or Egg? Using Pull Strategies to Launch a Platform Chapter 5. 价值的提取:平台货币化的四个方法Extracting Value: Four Methods for Monetizing a Platform Chapter 6. 工具与规则:吸引用户参与的平台管理(方法)Tools and Rules: Managing a Platform to Attract More Users and Encourage Participation Chapter 7. 自由化vs.控制:如何定义用户能在平台做什么、不能做什么?Freedom vs. Control: Defining What Platform Users Can and Cannot Do Chapter 8. 平台 的指标:衡量平台是否成功正确的方法和错误的方法Platform Metrics: Right and Wrong Ways to Measure a Platform’s Success Chapter 9. 赢家通吃:平台市场上独有的竞争挑战 Winner Take All: The Unique Competitive Challenges of Platform Markets Chapter 10. 为什么这些平台死掉了?失败平台的经典教训Why Platforms Fail: Classic Mistakes and the Lessons They Teach Chapter 11. 政治事务:政策该如何规范、不该如何规范平台Policy Matters: How Platforms Should (and Shouldn’t) Be Regulated Chapter 12. 平台世界的未来The Future of Platform World