很多人花半辈子的时间背了很多单词、短语,英文词汇功底深厚得不得了,句型、语法更是熟练,大小考试都难不倒。就在你以为努力到这个程度,“英文口语也应该是一级棒了吧?”之时,却发现自己开口跟外国人说话,竟然只能流利地回答“What's your name?”“How are you?”之类的问题,而且还只会用千篇一律的标准答案“I'm fine, thank you. And you?”来回答。若是对方再多问一点,就开始口吃、词穷,或是脑袋里冒出一堆学过的单词,却不知道应该怎么凑成一句话说出口,真的是囧和窘。
*部分,主要讲解认识新朋友时*常用的24个基本问句。例如:How tall are you? 你知道该如何正确地说出自己的身高吗?How old are you? 你知道怎么清楚地回答自己的年龄吗?看似简单的问题,你能用英文脱口而出吗?重点是:不要再用课本上那些硬邦邦的例句了!生活对话不应该是那么死板的。
目录 Chapter 1 简单的问题这样答不尴尬! 1 How old are you? 你多大了? 2 What do you do? 你从事什么工作? 3 Where is your office? 你的公司在哪里? 4 What time do you usually come off work? 你通常几点下班? 5 What do you usually do after work? 你下班后通常做些什么? 6 Where are you from? 你是哪里人? 7 Where do you live? 你住在哪儿? 8 Do you live with your parents? 你跟父母亲住在一起吗? 9 Are you close to your parents? 你跟父母亲近吗? 10 How many brothers and sisters do you have? 你有几个兄弟姐妹? 11 Where are you in the birth order? 你在家排行老几? 12 Do you have any children? 你有小孩吗? 13 Do you have any pets? 你养宠物吗? 14 What’s your star sign? 你是什么星座? 15 What’s your Chinese zodiac sign? 你属什么生肖? 16 Are you an evening person? 你是个夜猫子吗? 17 Are you a shy or an outgoing person? 你是个内向的人还是外向的人? 18 Do you have a hobby? 你有什么爱好吗? 19 How have you been? 你最近好吗? 20 Where have you been? 你到哪儿去了? 21 What time is it? 现在几点了? 22 What date today? 今天是几月几号? 23 When were you born? 你何时出生的? 24 How tall are you? 你有多高? Chapter 2 寒暄抬杠就“英”这么说! 聊食物品美食 1 Any good restaurants near here? 这附近有什么好餐厅吗? 2 What choices do we have if we want to order takeout?如果我们要叫外卖,有什么选择? 3 What kind of breakfast do you prefer? 你喜欢吃什么样的早餐? 4 How much time do you get for lunch? 你的午餐时间有多久? 5 Any plans for dinner? 晚餐打算吃什么? 6 How often do you eat out? 你多久在外面吃一次饭? 7 Who fixes the meals in your house? 你家谁负责做饭? 8 How often do you have meals with your family? 你多久跟家人一起吃一次饭? 9 Would you choose to be a vegetarian? 你会选择吃素吗? 10 Do you have a habit of having late night snacks? 你有吃夜宵的习惯吗? 11 Do you drink alcohol? 你喝酒吗? 12 Do you smoke, or do you mind people smoking around you?你抽烟,或介意别人在你旁边抽烟吗 聊服装追时尚 1 What’s your dressing style? 你的穿衣风格是什么? 2 What do you usually wear to work? 你平常都穿什么上班? 3 What do you wear at home? 你在家都怎么穿? 4 What does your wardrobe look like? 你的衣柜是什么样子? 5 How often do you buy clothes for yourself? 你多久为自己添置一次新衣? 6 What do you do with your old clothes? 你怎么处理你的旧衣服? 7 Do you like wearing uniforms? 你喜欢穿制服吗? 8 Who does the laundry in your house? 你家谁负责洗衣服? 9 What is your shoe size? 你穿几号鞋? 10 What size of clothes do you wear? 你穿几号的衣服? 11 Do you wear make-up / perfume / jewelry? 你平常会化妆/擦香水/戴首饰吗? 12 Do you mind sharing your clothes / accessories / shoes wit你介意跟别人共用你的衣服/首饰/鞋子吗? …… Chapter 3 重要场合的进退应对这样说最得体!