目录 Unit 1 Introduction Unit 2 Introduction of Surgical Manipulation on Animals and Biosignal Acquisition and Analysis System Section 1 The Surgical Manipulation of Mammals Section 2 The Surgical Manipulation of Toads Section 3 BL-420N Data Acquisition and Analysis System for Life Science Section 4 Brief Operative Guidelines for Biological Signal Recording System(MD2000 Super Lab System) Unit 3 Physiological Experiments on Animals Section 1 Recording of Compound Potential in Sciatic Nerve Trunk of Toad Section 2 Determination of Conduction Velocity of Action Potential in Nerve Trunk of Toad Section 3 Excitability Change during and after Excitation Section 4 Simultaneous Recording of Action Potential and Muscle Tension in Sciatic Nerve gastrocnemius Section 5 Tonic Effect and Hormonal Regulation on a Toad Heart during Contraction in vitro Section 6 Cardiac Autorhythmicity Section 7 Premature Contraction and Compensatory Pause Section 8 Factors that Affect Cardiac Output Section 9 Nervous and Hormonal Regulation of Cardiovascular Activity Section 10 Factors Affect the Discharges of the Depressor Nerve Section 11 The Regulations of Respiratory Movement Section 12 Movement of Small Intestinal Smooth Muscle in vitro Section 13 Factors that Affect Blood Coagulation Section 14 Factors that Affect Urine Formation Section 15 Simultaneous Recordings of Muscle Spindle Discharge and Passive Tension of Sartorius Muscle Section 16 Chemical Labyrinthectomy to Study the Vestibular System Section 17 Analysis of Reflex Arc Section 18 Unilateral Cerebellar Lesions Section 19 Hormonal Regulation of Blood Glucose Level Section 20 Experiment Design-Role of Baroreceptor Reflex in Acute Blood Loss Unit 4 Physiological Experiments on Human Section 1 Introduction of PowerLab System and Pulse Wave Measurement Section 2 Electrocardiogram at Rest and after Exercise Section 3 Electromyography Section 4 Arterial Blood Pressure Recording section 5 Characteristics of Diferent Types of Itch Induced by Various Pruritogens References