New York Times best-seller! Watterson's imaginative approach to his material and hisinventive graphics have made Calvin and Hobbes one of thefew universally admired by other cartoonists." --Charles Solomon,Los Angeles Times Book Review Calvin and Hobbes is unquestionably one of the mostpopular comic strips of all time. The imaginative world of a boyand his real-only-to-him tiger was first syndicated in 1985 andappeared in more than 2,400 newspapers when Bill Watterson retiredon January 1, 1996. The entire body of Calvin and Hobbescartoons published in a truly noteworthy tribute to this singularcartoon in The Complete Calvin and Hobbes. Composed of threehardcover, four-color volumes in a sturdy slipcase, this editionincludes all Calvin and Hobbes cartoons that ever appearedin syndication. This is the treasure that all Calvin andHobbes fans seek.
Bill Watterson is the creator of Calvin and Hobbes, oneof the most popular and well-regarded cartoon strips of thetwentieth century. Calvin and Hobbes appeared in newspapersfrom November 1985 until Watterson's retirement in 1996.