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General Preface
Millions of Chinese are learning English to acquire
knowledge and skills for communication in a world
where English has become the primary language for
international discourse. Yet not many learners have come
to realize that the command of the English language also
enables them to have an easy access to the world literary
classics such as Shakespeare’s plays, Shelley’s poems,
mark Twain’s novels and Nietzsche’s works which are an
important part of liberal-arts education. The most important
goals of universities are not vocational, that is, not merely
the giving of knowledge and the training of skills.
In a broad sense, education aims at broadening young
people’s mental horizon, cultivating virtues and shaping
their character. Lincoln, Mao Zedong and many other
great leaders and personages of distinction declared how
they drew immense inspiration and strength from literary
works. As a matter of fact, many of them had aspired to
become writers in their young age. Alexander the Great
(356-323 B.C.) is said to take along with him two things,
waking or sleeping: a book and a dagger, and the book
is Iliad, a literary classic, by Homer. He would put these
two much treasured things under his pillow when he
went to bed.
Today, we face an unprecedented complex and
changing world. To cope with this rapid changing world
requires not only communication skills, but also adequate
knowledge of cultures other than our own home culture.
Among the most important developments in present-day
global culture is the ever increasing cultural exchanges
and understanding between different nations and peoples.
And one of the best ways to know foreign cultures is
to read their literary works, particularly their literary
classics, the soul of a country’s culture. They also give
you the best language and the feeling of sublimity.
Liaoning People’s Publishing House is to be
congratulated for its foresight and courage in making
a new series of world literary classics available to the
reading public. It is hoped that people with an adequate
command of the English language will read them, like
them and keep them as their lifetime companions.
I am convinced that the series will make an important contribution to the literary education of the young people in china. At a time when the whole country is emphasizing “spiritual civilization”, it is certainly a very timely venture to put out the series of literary classics for literary and cultural education.
Zhang Zhongzai
Beijing Foreign Studies University
July, 2013 Beijing
马歇尔?普鲁斯特 (1871-1922)原名叫Valentin Louis Georges Eugène Marcel Proust,汉译大概为“瓦伦廷?路易斯?乔治?尤金?马歇尔?普鲁斯特”,不过,人们一般都只称他为马歇尔?普鲁斯特。他是法国人,因为写出了这本《追忆似水年华》而一跃成为法国*有名的小说家。同时,他也是文学评论家、散文作家。《追忆似水年华》以七大部分,于1913年到1927年陆续出版。现在马歇尔?普鲁斯特被公认为20世纪*伟大的作家之一。
马塞尔·普鲁斯特(1871-1922,Marcel Proust)是20世纪法国*伟大的小说家之一,意识流文学的先驱与大师。也是20世纪世界文学***伟大的小说家之一。普鲁斯特出生于一个非常富有的家庭,自幼体质孱弱、生性敏感、富于幻想,这对他文学禀赋早熟起了促进作用。中学时开始写诗,为报纸写专栏文章。后入巴黎大学和政治科学学校钻研修辞和哲学,对柏格森直觉主义的潜意识理论进行研究,尝试将其运用到小说创作中,可以说柏格森、弗洛伊德成了他一生文艺创作的导师。1984年6月,法国《读书》杂志公布了由法国、西班牙、联邦德国、英国、意大利王国报刊据读者评选欧洲十名“*伟大作家”,所排名次,普鲁斯特名列第六。
马歇尔?普鲁斯特 (1871-1922)原名叫Valentin Louis Georges Eugène Marcel Proust,汉译大概为“瓦伦廷?路易斯?乔治?尤金?马歇尔?普鲁斯特”,不过,人们一般都只称他为马歇尔?普鲁斯特。他是法国人,因为写出了这本《追忆似水年华》而一跃成为法国*有名的小说家。同时,他也是文学评论家、散文作家。《追忆似水年华》以七大部分,于1913年到1927年陆续出版。现在马歇尔?普鲁斯特被公认为20世纪*伟大的作家之一。
马塞尔·普鲁斯特(1871-1922,Marcel Proust)是20世纪法国*伟大的小说家之一,意识流文学的先驱与大师。也是20世纪世界文学***伟大的小说家之一。普鲁斯特出生于一个非常富有的家庭,自幼体质孱弱、生性敏感、富于幻想,这对他文学禀赋早熟起了促进作用。中学时开始写诗,为报纸写专栏文章。后入巴黎大学和政治科学学校钻研修辞和哲学,对柏格森直觉主义的潜意识理论进行研究,尝试将其运用到小说创作中,可以说柏格森、弗洛伊德成了他一生文艺创作的导师。1984年6月,法国《读书》杂志公布了由法国、西班牙、联邦德国、英国、意大利王国报刊据读者评选欧洲十名“*伟大作家”,所排名次,普鲁斯特名列第六。
For a long time I used to go to bed early. Sometimes, when I had put out my candle, my eyes would close so quickly that I had not even time to say "I'm going to sleep." And half an hour later the thought that it was time to go to sleep would
awaken me; I would try to put away the book which, I imagined, was still in my hands, and to blow out the light; I had been thinking all the time, while I was asleep, of what I had just been reading, but my thoughts had run into a channel of their own, until I myself seemed actually to have become the subject of my book: a church, a quartet, the rivalry between Fran?ois I and Charles V. This impression would persist for some moments after I was awake; it did not disturb my mind, but it lay like scales upon my eyes and prevented them from registering the fact that the candle was no longer burning. Then it would begin to seem unintelligible, as the thoughts of a former existence must be to a reincarnate spirit; the subject
of my book would separate itself from me, leaving me free to choose whether I would form part of it or no; and at the same time my sight would return and I would be astonished to find myself in a state of darkness, pleasant and restful enough for the eyes, and even more, perhaps, for my mind, to which it appeared
incomprehensible, without a cause, a matter dark indeed.
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