前言 This book is different from many other oral English books on the market today because the speakingand language exercises are based on the lexical approach. The lexical approach was developed byMichael Lewis in the 1990s where there is an emphasis on collocations, phrases and expressions. Thisis because two, three, four and even five-word collocations, phrases and expressions make up a hugepercentage of all naturally-occurring text, spoken or written. Estimates vary, but it is possiblethat up to 70% of everything we say, hear, read or write is to be found in some form of fixedexpression. Therefore, it is vital to realize that this is the way we store vocabulary in ourlexical minds. We are more likely to memorize and use phrases rather than single words. In this bookthere is no emphasis on word lists or grammar. After studying English for several years what youneed now is the ability to combine words, many of which you already know, into the phrases andexpressions which are the basis of this book.Some of the unique features of this book are as follows:1. The dialogues all have a main character called Li Xue who is a Chinese student studying abroadand majoring in finance;2. Words which should be stressed are highlighted in every sentence which is a feature of theEnglish language;3. Phrases are given much emphasis and are divided into idioms,semi-fixed expressions and wordpartnerships;4. Phrases not only have a Chinese definition but also an English one to further yourunderstanding;5. Language exercises are included to help reinforce the most important new vocabulary that isintroduced in the dialogues;6. Dialogue 2 reintroduces Dialogue 1 but changes some phrases and words for others with a similarmeaning. This emphasizes the fact that there are several different ways of saying the same thing.本书和市面上众多英语口语书籍的不同之处在于,本书中的对话和语言练习都是以词汇教学法为核心的。词汇教学法是由 Michael Lewis 在20 世纪 90 年代提出的,它突出强调词语搭配、短语和习惯用法在语言中的作用。因为在任何自然文本中,无论是口语还是书面语,由两到四个、甚至五个单词构成的词语搭配、短语和习惯用法都占据了主要部分。尽管存在不同的统计数字,但
目录 Introduction 序言 Acknowledgements 致谢 Notes for students 致读者 How to get the most out of these dialogues 使用指南 Chapter 1 Studies 学业 Unit 1 Teachers 教师 Unit 2 Courses 学科 Unit 3 Assignments 作业 Unit 4 Majors 专业 Unit 5 Exams 考试 Chapter 2 Leisure 休闲时光 Unit 6 Sleep 睡觉 Unit 7 Student union 学生会 Unit 8 Holidays 假日 Unit 9 Parties 派对 Unit 10 Shopping 购物 Chapter 3 Campus love 校园爱情 Unit 11 Loneliness 孤独 Unit 12 Dating 约会 Unit 13 Relationships 恋爱关系 Unit 14 Cheating 出轨 Unit 15 Breaking up 分手 Chapter 4 Buildings 建筑 Unit 16 Dorms 宿舍 Unit 17 Canteen 食堂 Unit 18 Library 图书馆 Unit 19 Teaching buildings 教学楼 Unit 20 Gym 体育馆 Chapter 5 English 英语 Unit 21 Speaking 口语 Unit 22 Listening 听力 Unit 23 Reading 阅读 Unit 24 Writing 写作 Unit 25 English Corners 英语角 Chapter 6 Campus life 校园生活 Unit 26 Bicycles 自行车 Unit 27 Military training 军训 Unit 28 Gossip 八卦 Unit 29 Computer games 电脑游戏 Unit 30 Stress 压力 Chapter 7 Finance 财务 Unit 31 Budgets 预算 Unit 32 Part-time jobs 兼职工作 Unit 33 Borrowing money 借钱 Unit 34 Finding a job 找工作 Unit 35 Future plans 规划未来 Chapter 8 Food and drink 饮食 Unit 36 Eating habits 饮食习惯 Unit 37 Vegetarian 素食者 Unit 38 Muslim food 清真食品 Unit 39 Eating snacks 吃零食 Unit 40 Chinese food 中餐 Chapter 9 Entertainment 娱乐 Unit 41 TV series 电视剧 Unit 42 Gambling 赌博 Unit 43 Dancing 跳舞 Unit 44 Board games 棋盘游戏 Unit 45 Movies 电影 Chapter 10 Sports 运动 Unit 46 Football 足球 Unit 47 Sports 运动 Unit 48 Chinese football 中国足球 Unit 49 Cricket 板球 Unit 50 Working out in the gym 健身