目录 Foreword Chapter Ⅸ Elements of measure theory 1 Measurable spaces σ-algebras The Borel σ-algebra The second countability axiom Generating the Borel a-algebra with intervals Bases of topological spaces The product topology Product Borel a-algebras Measurability of sections 2 Measures Set functions Measure spaces Properties of measures Null sets Outer measures The construction of outer measures The Lebesgue outer measure The Lebesgue-Stieltjes outer measure Hausdorff outer measures 4 Measurable sets Motivation The a-algebra of/μ*-measurable sets Lebesgue measure and Hausdorff measure Metric measures 5 The Lebasgue measure The Lebesgue measure space The Lebesgue measure is regular A characterization of Lebesgue measurability Images of Lebesgue measurable sets The Lebesgue measure is translation invariant A characterization of Lebesgue measure The Lebesgue measure is invariant under rigid motions The substitution rule for linear maps Sets without Lebesgue measure Chapter Ⅹ Integration theory 1 Measurable functions Simple functions and measurable functions A measurability criterion Measurable R-valued functions The lattice of measurable T-valued functions Pointwise limits of mensurable functions Radon measures 2 Integrable fuuctions The integral of a simple function The L1-seminorm The Bochner-Lebesgue integral The completeness of L1 Elementary properties of integrals Convergence in L1 3 Convergence theorems Integration of nonnegative T-valued functions The monotone convergence theorem Fatou's lemma Integration of R-valued functions Lebesgue's dominated convergence theorem Parametrized integrals 4 Lebesgue spaces Essentially bounded functions The Holder and Minkowski inequalities Lebesgue spaces are complete Lp-spaces Continuous functions with compact support Embeddings Continuous linear functionals on Lp 5 The n-dimensional Bochner-Lebesgue integral Lebesgue measure spaces The Lebesgue integral of absolutely integrable functions A characterization of Riemann integrable functions 6 Fubiul's theorem Maps defined almost everywhere Cavalieri's principle Applications of Cavalieri's principle Tonelli's theorem Fubini's theorem for scalar functions Fubini's theorem for vector-vained functions Minkowski's inequality for integrals A characterization of Lp (Rm+n, E) A trace theorem 7 The convolution Defining the convolution The translation group Elementary properties of the convolution Approximations to the identity Test functions Smooth partitions of unity Convolutions of E-valued functions Distributions Linear differential operators Weak derivatives 8 The substitution rule Pulling back the Lebesgue measure The substitution rule: general case Plane polar coordinates Polar coordinates in higher dimensions Integration of rotationally symmetric functions The substitution rule for vector-valued functions 9 The Fourier transform Definition and elementary properties The space of rapidly decreasing functions The convolution algebra S Calculations with the Fourier transform The Fourier integral theorem Convolutions and the Fourier transform Fourier multiplication operators Plancherel's theorem Symmetric operators The Heisenberg uncertainty relation Chapter Ⅺ Manifolds and differential forms 1 Submanifolds Definitions and elementary properties Submersions Submanifo]ds with boundary Local charts Tangents and normals The regular value theorem One-dimensional manifolds Partitions of unity 2 MultUinear algebra Exterior products Pull backs The volume element The Riesz isomorphism The Hodge star operator Indefinite inner products Tensors 3 The local theory of differential forms Definitions and basis representations Pull backs The exterior derivative The Poincare lemma Tensors 4 Vector fields and differential forms Vector fields Local basis representation Differential forms Local representations Coordinate transformations The exterior derivative Closed and exact forms Contractions Orientability Tensor fields 5 Riemannian metrics The volume element Riemannian manifolds The Hodge star The codifferential 6 Vector analysis The Riesz isomorphism The gradient The divergence The Laplace-Beltrami operator The curl The Lie derivative The Hodge-Laplace operator The vector product and the curl Chapter Ⅻ Integration on manifolds 1 Volume measure The Lebesgue a-algebra of M The defiaition of the volume measure Properties Integrability Calculation of several volumes 2 Integration of differential forms Integrals of m-forms Restrictions to submanifolds The transformation theorem Fubini's theorem Calculations of several integrals Flows of vector fields The transport theorem 3 Stokes's theorem Stokes's theorem for smooth manifolds Manifolds with singularities Stokes's theorem with singularities Planar domains Higher-dimensional problems Homotopy invariance and applications Gauss's law Green's formula The classical Stokes's theorem The star operator and the coderivative References