目录 To The Reader致读者 Evaluation Exercises自测练习 Introduction:BUSINESS WRTING 商务写作介绍 UNIT 1:Initial Business Writing Tasks初次商务写作任务 Lesson 1:Letters,Faxes,and E-Mail书信、传真和电子邮件 Lesson 2:Content,Tone,and Style内容、语气和风格 Lesson 3:ArrangementS,Thanks,and Appreciation安排、致谢和称赞 UNIT 2:Announcements and Updates通告和更新报告 Lesson 4:Memos备忘录 Lesson 5:Updates更新报告 Lesson 6:Cause,Result,and Cotast原因、结果和对比 UNIT 3:Reports and Proposals报告和建议 Lesson 7:Fact Reports事实性报告 Lesson 8:Comparing比较 Lesson 9:Proposals and Recommendations建议书和推荐信 APPENDICES 附录 Appendix 1:Letters,Faxes,and E-Mail书信、传真和电子邮件 Appendix 2:Addidonal Expressions of Thanks and Appreciation致谢和称赞的其他表达方法 Appendix 3:Sentences and Paragraphs句子和段落 Appendix 4:Use and Format of Formal Repots正式报告的用途和格式 Glossary词汇表 Index索引 Answer key答案